Microbiología - Modelo teórico para una vacuna efectiva contra la infección por Helicobacter pylori

  • Núñez, Mónica
  • Scialom, Victoria
  • Silva, David
  • Ventura, Yenimar
  • Zampella, Vanessa
  • Marcano-Loz, Marcel
Publication date
July 2007
University of Toronto Medical Journal


The Gram-negative rod Helicobacter pylori is a human gastric pathogen that causes many several diseases such as gastritis, Peptic and duodenal ulcer, and gastric. Worldwide distribution and a highest incidence, in adition to a premature adquisition leads to the research and development of prophylactic measures to avoid the infection. We proposed two theorical pathways for a vaccine model against H. pylori, in order to prevent colonization and conducting the immune response to the development of immunological memory and an effective IgG response.Helicobacter pylori es una bacteria gramnegativa que habita la mucosa gástrica humana, es causante de diversas patologías tales como gastritis, úlcera gástrica y duodenal, adenocarcinoma gástrico y l...

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