Supra niger, pube subtili grisea leviter vestitus; carina interoculari medio late sejuncta; clypeo basi mediocriter coarctato; antennis totis ferrugineis, articulo secundo quarto breviore, tertio quarto longiore; pronoto latitudine breviore, antice attenuato, basi noncarinato; elytris a basi ad apicem attenuatis, leviter striatis, interstitiis sat dense sub-rugulose punctatis; pedibus tarsisque ferrugineis. — Long. 4 1/8 mm. Body oblong, moderately convex above, rather considerably and gradually narrowing from the base of the elytra towards their apex; pitch-black all over, thinly covered above with a fine and short greyish pubescence, which is rather more conspicuous and more yellowish at the base of the pronotum and elytra. Head not very ...
Elongato-ovalis, obscure piceum, tibiis tarsisque dilutioribus, dense subtiliter punctatum, pube gri...
E tribu C. melaleucae Dej., Drakei m., Reedi m., Gormazi Reed, chiliensis Brll. sed ab omnibus diffe...
Pale yellowish testaceous, shining; the head, a very fine marginal line and a large ill-defined disc...
Length from the front margin of the inter-antennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 56 mm.; greatest...
Niger, nitidus, convexus, antennarum apice ferrugineo, tarsis rufis; prothorace inaequali, dense for...
Length from the forehead to the end of the elytra 9 mm., breadth at the shoulders 3½ mm.; length of ...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Head as long as broad. Rostrum somewhat longer than and continuous with it, slightly narrowed anteri...
Length from antennary tubers to end of elytra 22½ mm.; length of elytra from tip of strongly protrud...
Length from the anterior margin of the prothorax to the apex of the elytra 10½ mm., width of the sho...
Angusta, elongata, nigro-cyanea, capite prothoraceque supra et subtus rufis, corpore subtus nigro, c...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
Niger; prothoracis lineis tribus, elytrorum linea suturali maculisque irregularibus squamulis viridi...
1. Temnillus sumatrensis, n. sp. 1) — Sumatra orient.: Serdang (Dr. B. Hagen). — 1 ex. 2. Temnillus ...
Length 5,5 mm., breadth at the shoulders 2,5 mm. — Head: the clypeus golden red; the face bright bro...
Elongato-ovalis, obscure piceum, tibiis tarsisque dilutioribus, dense subtiliter punctatum, pube gri...
E tribu C. melaleucae Dej., Drakei m., Reedi m., Gormazi Reed, chiliensis Brll. sed ab omnibus diffe...
Pale yellowish testaceous, shining; the head, a very fine marginal line and a large ill-defined disc...
Length from the front margin of the inter-antennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 56 mm.; greatest...
Niger, nitidus, convexus, antennarum apice ferrugineo, tarsis rufis; prothorace inaequali, dense for...
Length from the forehead to the end of the elytra 9 mm., breadth at the shoulders 3½ mm.; length of ...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Head as long as broad. Rostrum somewhat longer than and continuous with it, slightly narrowed anteri...
Length from antennary tubers to end of elytra 22½ mm.; length of elytra from tip of strongly protrud...
Length from the anterior margin of the prothorax to the apex of the elytra 10½ mm., width of the sho...
Angusta, elongata, nigro-cyanea, capite prothoraceque supra et subtus rufis, corpore subtus nigro, c...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
Niger; prothoracis lineis tribus, elytrorum linea suturali maculisque irregularibus squamulis viridi...
1. Temnillus sumatrensis, n. sp. 1) — Sumatra orient.: Serdang (Dr. B. Hagen). — 1 ex. 2. Temnillus ...
Length 5,5 mm., breadth at the shoulders 2,5 mm. — Head: the clypeus golden red; the face bright bro...
Elongato-ovalis, obscure piceum, tibiis tarsisque dilutioribus, dense subtiliter punctatum, pube gri...
E tribu C. melaleucae Dej., Drakei m., Reedi m., Gormazi Reed, chiliensis Brll. sed ab omnibus diffe...
Pale yellowish testaceous, shining; the head, a very fine marginal line and a large ill-defined disc...