On a new species and a new variety of the family Eucnemidae collected during the recent scientific Sumatra-Expedition

  • Bonvouloir, Vicomte H. de
Publication date
January 1880


Supra niger, pube subtili grisea leviter vestitus; carina interoculari medio late sejuncta; clypeo basi mediocriter coarctato; antennis totis ferrugineis, articulo secundo quarto breviore, tertio quarto longiore; pronoto latitudine breviore, antice attenuato, basi noncarinato; elytris a basi ad apicem attenuatis, leviter striatis, interstitiis sat dense sub-rugulose punctatis; pedibus tarsisque ferrugineis. — Long. 4 1/8 mm. Body oblong, moderately convex above, rather considerably and gradually narrowing from the base of the elytra towards their apex; pitch-black all over, thinly covered above with a fine and short greyish pubescence, which is rather more conspicuous and more yellowish at the base of the pronotum and elytra. Head not very ...

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