♂. Subopaca, supra ochracea, antennarum articulis quinque ultimis nigris, thorace antice posticeque purpureo-nigro marginato, scutello nigro, elytrorum tertia parte apicali atro-coerulea, omnino pube brevi sericea obtecta; subtus atrocoerulea, media parte prosterni et pedibus cum coxis ochraceis, pubescentia sericea parce induta. Caput crebre punctatum. Thorax latus, brevis, antice posticeque fortiter strangulatus, in lateribus distincte spinosus, in medio et ad latera nonnihil impressus, in disco rugosus, lateraliter minutissime densissimeque punctatus. Scutellum elongato-triangulare, acutum. Elytra ad apicem conjunctim rotundata, costis quatuor obsoletis instructa, dense punctata. Prosternum crebre, pectus subtililer punctatum, in quo pun...
♂. Ab omnibus in genere forma antice et postice angusta, capite disco lævi, thorace parvo, dispersim...
Length 36—40 mm. — Black, with steel-blue elytra; body and legs covered with a grey pubescence, whic...
This species is closely allied to Eurybatus novempunctatus Westw. ¹), but easily distinguished by th...
A small species which is allied to Pachyteria parallela Rits. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1881. p. 36). Length...
Resembling Pachyteria Lambii Pasc. from Penang or from the coast opposite the island, judging from t...
Length of the male 28 mm., of the female 32 mm.; breadth at the shoulders in the male 8,5 mm., in th...
♀. Caput nigrum, inter antennarum tuberculos linea longitudinaliter impressum, in fronte et in verti...
In the collection of Coleoptera, left behind by the late H. W. Bates and now in the possession of Mr...
Angusta, elongata, nigro-cyanea, capite prothoraceque supra et subtus rufis, corpore subtus nigro, c...
Length from the forehead to the end of the elytra 9 mm., breadth at the shoulders 3½ mm.; length of ...
Length from antennary tubers to end of elytra 22½ mm.; length of elytra from tip of strongly protrud...
Four species have been described belonging to the genus Brachytria, which are all pretty similar in ...
Below black; thorax testaceous, bimaculate; elytra finely pubescent, dark greenish black, the suture...
Elongata, angusta, villosa, nigra elytrorum parte excepta, supra subopaca, pars infera nitida. Caput...
Caput mediocre, supra angustius; tuberibus antenniferis validis, breviusculis; oculorum lobi inferio...
♂. Ab omnibus in genere forma antice et postice angusta, capite disco lævi, thorace parvo, dispersim...
Length 36—40 mm. — Black, with steel-blue elytra; body and legs covered with a grey pubescence, whic...
This species is closely allied to Eurybatus novempunctatus Westw. ¹), but easily distinguished by th...
A small species which is allied to Pachyteria parallela Rits. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1881. p. 36). Length...
Resembling Pachyteria Lambii Pasc. from Penang or from the coast opposite the island, judging from t...
Length of the male 28 mm., of the female 32 mm.; breadth at the shoulders in the male 8,5 mm., in th...
♀. Caput nigrum, inter antennarum tuberculos linea longitudinaliter impressum, in fronte et in verti...
In the collection of Coleoptera, left behind by the late H. W. Bates and now in the possession of Mr...
Angusta, elongata, nigro-cyanea, capite prothoraceque supra et subtus rufis, corpore subtus nigro, c...
Length from the forehead to the end of the elytra 9 mm., breadth at the shoulders 3½ mm.; length of ...
Length from antennary tubers to end of elytra 22½ mm.; length of elytra from tip of strongly protrud...
Four species have been described belonging to the genus Brachytria, which are all pretty similar in ...
Below black; thorax testaceous, bimaculate; elytra finely pubescent, dark greenish black, the suture...
Elongata, angusta, villosa, nigra elytrorum parte excepta, supra subopaca, pars infera nitida. Caput...
Caput mediocre, supra angustius; tuberibus antenniferis validis, breviusculis; oculorum lobi inferio...
♂. Ab omnibus in genere forma antice et postice angusta, capite disco lævi, thorace parvo, dispersim...
Length 36—40 mm. — Black, with steel-blue elytra; body and legs covered with a grey pubescence, whic...
This species is closely allied to Eurybatus novempunctatus Westw. ¹), but easily distinguished by th...