Counts of emerged adults by species AND by cavity width for the BAR and LAU stands
<p>The number of cavities occupied by each species is reported in <a href="
Comment: unwintered adult emergences are not usually orderly of the whole nest but disruptive from p...
<p>Distribution of 134 adult males and females from Medieval London monastic and nonmonastic cemeter...
Counts of emerged adults by species AND by cavity width for the BAR and LAU stands
MONASTERY, generations 2002 to 2007, counts of adults of various parasitoid species, listed by host ...
BAR and LAU stands, generations 2001-8, counts of nests by nest fate (started, harvested, failed, or...
Counts of nest starts by species AND by cavity width for the BAR and LAU stands. Nest started - egg ...
Counts of eggs by species AND by cavity width for the BAR and LAU stands. Eggs = eggs in regular rec...
MONASTERY, generations 2002 to 2008, counts of nests with various parasitoid species, listed by host...
'Nests' without any qualification often denotes 'nests started', i.e., nests with at least one seale...
MONASTERY, generations 2002 to 2008, counts of cocoon harvests of various parasitoid species, listed...
Conditions range over the years from empty to crowded cavities and from absence to presence of an 'o...
MONASTERY, generations 2002 to 2008, counts of summer cocoons of various parasitoid species, listed...
<p>The number of independent visitations of taxa recorded at hollows in both remnants and continuous...
<p>Total of adults emerged per mass from two populations of <i>Cotesia flavipes</i>.</p
<p>The number of cavities occupied by each species is reported in <a href="
Comment: unwintered adult emergences are not usually orderly of the whole nest but disruptive from p...
<p>Distribution of 134 adult males and females from Medieval London monastic and nonmonastic cemeter...
Counts of emerged adults by species AND by cavity width for the BAR and LAU stands
MONASTERY, generations 2002 to 2007, counts of adults of various parasitoid species, listed by host ...
BAR and LAU stands, generations 2001-8, counts of nests by nest fate (started, harvested, failed, or...
Counts of nest starts by species AND by cavity width for the BAR and LAU stands. Nest started - egg ...
Counts of eggs by species AND by cavity width for the BAR and LAU stands. Eggs = eggs in regular rec...
MONASTERY, generations 2002 to 2008, counts of nests with various parasitoid species, listed by host...
'Nests' without any qualification often denotes 'nests started', i.e., nests with at least one seale...
MONASTERY, generations 2002 to 2008, counts of cocoon harvests of various parasitoid species, listed...
Conditions range over the years from empty to crowded cavities and from absence to presence of an 'o...
MONASTERY, generations 2002 to 2008, counts of summer cocoons of various parasitoid species, listed...
<p>The number of independent visitations of taxa recorded at hollows in both remnants and continuous...
<p>Total of adults emerged per mass from two populations of <i>Cotesia flavipes</i>.</p
<p>The number of cavities occupied by each species is reported in <a href="
Comment: unwintered adult emergences are not usually orderly of the whole nest but disruptive from p...
<p>Distribution of 134 adult males and females from Medieval London monastic and nonmonastic cemeter...