Shell elongated, rather compressed, very inaequilateral, the umbones laying at about one sixth of the whole length of the shell, rather smooth, with numerous fine concentric striae; umbones little prominent, decorticated in the adult, in half grown shells with conspicuous radiating folds, extending more or less over the disk of the shell; moreover a few radiating grooves occupy the anterior part of the shell, and microscopic radiating wrinkles of the epidermis cover the posterior slope; epidermis reddish-brown in the adult, yellowish olive-green in the young ones. Upper margin slightly curved, anterior margin rounded, slightly protruded below; ventral margin incurved, posterior margin forming with the upper one a more or less obtuse angle, ...
FIGURES 34 – 45. Dilemma species. 34 – 40. Dilemma spectralis. Holotype, MNHN 20818, whole specimen ...
FIGURE 1. External anatomy of Cylindrobulla schuppi sp. nov. and C. beauii. A—C. schuppi sp. nov. ha...
Microprojections of unionoid shells are virtually unstudied but could be important characters for re...
Shell oblong, attenuated towards the anterior part, inaequilateral, rather inflated, very thin, rath...
Shell somewhat squarely oblong, moderately inflated, very inaequilateral, covered with a dark-brown ...
Shell elongate, dark fleshy brown, with large white riblike nodules and a white infra-sutural line; ...
Shell ovate, inflated, rather solid, narrowly umbilicated, with an elevated spire; whorls 5½, convex...
Shell semiglobose, solid, nearly smooth, with slight radiating striae; colour dark yellowish-grey, w...
Shell fusiform, white; whorls 8, slightly concave at the upper part, rather inflated and rounded ben...
Shell oblong-cylindrical, spire exserted, with an obtuse apex; cream colour with a reddish-brown net...
Shell ovate, blackish brown, variegated with dirty white; whorls about 5, upper ones slightly eroded...
Shell fusiformly ovate, yellowish, with brown spiral ridges. Whorls about 6, the apical ones, which ...
Aforia obesa new species. Figures 4 A–M; figures 5 A–E; figures 6 A–E Description. Shell large, ...
Family Solenidae Lamarck, 1809 Diagnosis: Medium to large cylindrical shell, laterally compressed ...
Shell conic, solid, falsely umbilicate, embryonic whorls wanting, of the 8 remaining whorls the four...
FIGURES 34 – 45. Dilemma species. 34 – 40. Dilemma spectralis. Holotype, MNHN 20818, whole specimen ...
FIGURE 1. External anatomy of Cylindrobulla schuppi sp. nov. and C. beauii. A—C. schuppi sp. nov. ha...
Microprojections of unionoid shells are virtually unstudied but could be important characters for re...
Shell oblong, attenuated towards the anterior part, inaequilateral, rather inflated, very thin, rath...
Shell somewhat squarely oblong, moderately inflated, very inaequilateral, covered with a dark-brown ...
Shell elongate, dark fleshy brown, with large white riblike nodules and a white infra-sutural line; ...
Shell ovate, inflated, rather solid, narrowly umbilicated, with an elevated spire; whorls 5½, convex...
Shell semiglobose, solid, nearly smooth, with slight radiating striae; colour dark yellowish-grey, w...
Shell fusiform, white; whorls 8, slightly concave at the upper part, rather inflated and rounded ben...
Shell oblong-cylindrical, spire exserted, with an obtuse apex; cream colour with a reddish-brown net...
Shell ovate, blackish brown, variegated with dirty white; whorls about 5, upper ones slightly eroded...
Shell fusiformly ovate, yellowish, with brown spiral ridges. Whorls about 6, the apical ones, which ...
Aforia obesa new species. Figures 4 A–M; figures 5 A–E; figures 6 A–E Description. Shell large, ...
Family Solenidae Lamarck, 1809 Diagnosis: Medium to large cylindrical shell, laterally compressed ...
Shell conic, solid, falsely umbilicate, embryonic whorls wanting, of the 8 remaining whorls the four...
FIGURES 34 – 45. Dilemma species. 34 – 40. Dilemma spectralis. Holotype, MNHN 20818, whole specimen ...
FIGURE 1. External anatomy of Cylindrobulla schuppi sp. nov. and C. beauii. A—C. schuppi sp. nov. ha...
Microprojections of unionoid shells are virtually unstudied but could be important characters for re...