Harank is a registered nurse living in Oakland, CA. Harank met Nouwen at 1980 Catholic Worker conference (New York, NY) and through Robert Ellsberg subsequently became his assistant while at Harvard (Cambridge, MA) and in South America.1 (out of 2) audio cassettes (1 hr., 32 min.)Title based on contents of the item. ; The interview is transcribed and available electronically or in hard copy. ; The audio cassettes are located in box 12. ; Reference copies of the audio cassettes are available (located with originals). ; Digitized January 31, 2011.For more information please contact Special Collections, the University of St. Michael's College.Item consists of two cassettes (SR2005 09 46 34 v1 and SR2005 09 46 34 v2)of an interview with Michae...