Testaceus, capite, elytrorum margine basali, femorum apice tibiis tarsisque nigris, elytris pilis brevibus nigris undique vestitis. — Long. 12—13 millim. ♂, ♀. Mas. segmento sexto fisso, genitalia includente, unguibus externis incrassatis, fissis
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
Length from the front margin of the inter-antennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 56 mm.; greatest...
Nigra, nitida, prothoracis lateribus elytrisque testaceis, glabris. — Long, millim. Hab. East Sumatr...
Angusta, elongata, nigro-cyanea, capite prothoraceque supra et subtus rufis, corpore subtus nigro, c...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
♂. Ab omnibus in genere forma antice et postice angusta, capite disco lævi, thorace parvo, dispersim...
Length 7,5 mm. — Dark piceous; the anterior portion of the head, the antennae, the manducating appar...
Niger, nitidus, convexus, antennarum apice ferrugineo, tarsis rufis; prothorace inaequali, dense for...
Black; head and thorax impunctate; elytra very finely punctured, flavous, a sutural triangular patch...
Length 30 mm., breadth at the shoulders 7,5 mm. — Dark chestnut-brown, approaching to black on the t...
Corpus valde elongatum, convexum. Antennae 11-articulatae, sub frontis margine ante oculos insertae,...
Length from antennary tubers to end of elytra 22½ mm.; length of elytra from tip of strongly protrud...
FIGURE 1. Dorsal view of Callyntra femina sp. nov. a) Head: la, labrum; cl, clipeus; fr, front; amp,...
Length 36—40 mm. — Black, with steel-blue elytra; body and legs covered with a grey pubescence, whic...
Length 2 mm., breadth 1 mm. — Oblong, rather broad, slightly convex, but little glossy, of a reddish...
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
Length from the front margin of the inter-antennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 56 mm.; greatest...
Nigra, nitida, prothoracis lateribus elytrisque testaceis, glabris. — Long, millim. Hab. East Sumatr...
Angusta, elongata, nigro-cyanea, capite prothoraceque supra et subtus rufis, corpore subtus nigro, c...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
♂. Ab omnibus in genere forma antice et postice angusta, capite disco lævi, thorace parvo, dispersim...
Length 7,5 mm. — Dark piceous; the anterior portion of the head, the antennae, the manducating appar...
Niger, nitidus, convexus, antennarum apice ferrugineo, tarsis rufis; prothorace inaequali, dense for...
Black; head and thorax impunctate; elytra very finely punctured, flavous, a sutural triangular patch...
Length 30 mm., breadth at the shoulders 7,5 mm. — Dark chestnut-brown, approaching to black on the t...
Corpus valde elongatum, convexum. Antennae 11-articulatae, sub frontis margine ante oculos insertae,...
Length from antennary tubers to end of elytra 22½ mm.; length of elytra from tip of strongly protrud...
FIGURE 1. Dorsal view of Callyntra femina sp. nov. a) Head: la, labrum; cl, clipeus; fr, front; amp,...
Length 36—40 mm. — Black, with steel-blue elytra; body and legs covered with a grey pubescence, whic...
Length 2 mm., breadth 1 mm. — Oblong, rather broad, slightly convex, but little glossy, of a reddish...
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
Length from the front margin of the inter-antennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 56 mm.; greatest...
Nigra, nitida, prothoracis lateribus elytrisque testaceis, glabris. — Long, millim. Hab. East Sumatr...