Bio/Technology/Diversity Week Produced by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy June 22, 1994 Volume 3, Number 13 Code: NL94036 Size of Files: Text: 23K Graphics: No Associated Graphics Files CONTENTS * rBGH NEWS OF THE WEEK Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced legislation in the House yesterday that calls for the labeling of milk products derived from cows treated with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or BST).... * MONSANTO SUED OVER HERBICIDE RESISTANCE GENE Calgene and Rhone Poulenc are suing Monsanto over the company's use of a herbicide resistance gene.... * BIOTECH HELD TO HIGHER STANDARDS? A recent article in BUSINESS WEEK wonders if the biotech industry is perhaps being ganged up on by the U.S. Patent and ...