{B}Commonwealth Scientist, Number 5, November 1996{P} {/B}{I}{P} The Newsletter of the Commonwealth Science Council{/i}{br} ISSN 1356-5249{P} {pre}{B} Code Number: NL97007 Size of Files: Text: 15K Graphics: Photographs (jpg) - 77.2K{/B}{/pre}{P} {B}Contents:{/B}{P} {pre} - CSC Executive Committee meets in London. - Donor Focus: several organisations are donors for CSC projects. The column in this issue focuses on the Overseas Development Administration in the UK. - Solar power projects attract sponsors: the Ashden Trust. - South Africa welcomed as a new member. - CSC Publications: 1) Stock Clearance opportunities 2) Biodiversity in small island states{/pre}{P} Published by the Commonwealth Science Council{P