grantor: University of TorontoBoth field and laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the suspension of sand under shoaling grouped waves above a rippled sandy bed. The temporal and spatial variations in concentration resulting from the trajectories of nonhomogeneous, sediment-laden, separation vortices and bedform migration were found to be extremely large. The functional dependency between concentration and velocity was improved after accounting for the time lag of concentration with respect to velocity, the threshold condition for sediment suspension and the occurrence of more than one concentration peak within a half-wave cycle. The frequency dependence of concentration was affected by shifts in the spectral densit...
While the nature of the suspended load above steep, wave-induced, sand ripples is of practical impor...
To quantify the effect of wave breaking turbulence on sediment transport in the nearshore, the verti...
The existence of sandy beaches relies on the onshore transport of sand by waves during post-storm co...
Sand transport dynamics under non-breaking regular waves and wave groups are studied in a large-scal...
Suspended sand concentrations and bedforms under waves were measured in the controlled environment o...
ABSTRACT: The influence of near-bed sorting processes on heavy min-eral content in suspension is dis...
A series of sand bed experiments was carried out in the Large Wave Flume in Hannover, Germany as a c...
The influence of near-bed sorting processes on heavy mineral content in suspension is discussed. Sed...
Laboratory simulation of wave shoaling over a medium sand bed (mean size=250μm) for a range of wave ...
This paper presents results of an experimental and theoretical study of wave-related suspended sand ...
The knowledge and modeling of wave-induced sand transport over rippled beds still has significant sh...
ABSTRACT: We performed a series of laboratory experiments to in-vestigate the interactions of a turb...
Experiments and field observations have revealed that when silt and very fine sand are subject to os...
Experimental results are very important to understand the complex nature of sand transport. They giv...
The relationship between the grain size distribution of the sediment on the bed and that found in su...
While the nature of the suspended load above steep, wave-induced, sand ripples is of practical impor...
To quantify the effect of wave breaking turbulence on sediment transport in the nearshore, the verti...
The existence of sandy beaches relies on the onshore transport of sand by waves during post-storm co...
Sand transport dynamics under non-breaking regular waves and wave groups are studied in a large-scal...
Suspended sand concentrations and bedforms under waves were measured in the controlled environment o...
ABSTRACT: The influence of near-bed sorting processes on heavy min-eral content in suspension is dis...
A series of sand bed experiments was carried out in the Large Wave Flume in Hannover, Germany as a c...
The influence of near-bed sorting processes on heavy mineral content in suspension is discussed. Sed...
Laboratory simulation of wave shoaling over a medium sand bed (mean size=250μm) for a range of wave ...
This paper presents results of an experimental and theoretical study of wave-related suspended sand ...
The knowledge and modeling of wave-induced sand transport over rippled beds still has significant sh...
ABSTRACT: We performed a series of laboratory experiments to in-vestigate the interactions of a turb...
Experiments and field observations have revealed that when silt and very fine sand are subject to os...
Experimental results are very important to understand the complex nature of sand transport. They giv...
The relationship between the grain size distribution of the sediment on the bed and that found in su...
While the nature of the suspended load above steep, wave-induced, sand ripples is of practical impor...
To quantify the effect of wave breaking turbulence on sediment transport in the nearshore, the verti...
The existence of sandy beaches relies on the onshore transport of sand by waves during post-storm co...