The Penyuluhan Kesehatan Dalam Menjaga Kebersihan Mulut Dan Gigi Di Sekolah Anak Tangguh, Lombok Barat

  • Hasbi, Nurmi
  • Rosyunita
  • Rahim, Adelia Riezka
  • Parwata, Wayan Sulaksmana Sandhi
Publication date
August 2023
Universitas Mataram


Oral and dental health education activities were carried out at Sekolah Anak Tangguh at May 12th  2023. The purpose of this counseling was to provide students with an understanding of the importance of maintaining oral and dental health. By realizing the importance of dental and oral health, it is hoped that students can avoid various diseases such as cavities, gingivitis, gum infections, canker sores, and broken teeth. In this counseling activity, information was provided regarding the steps that need to be taken to maintain good dental and oral health, including brushing your teeth regularly at least twice a day before going to bed and after breakfast, increasing the duration of brushing your teeth for two minutes so that it can remo...

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