Mostly evergreen trees or shrubs (outside Mal. some woody climbers), often aromatic (in leaves and fruit), bark of the stem (and roots) containing a circle of schizogenous resin ducts outside the phloem; twigs sometimes ending in a thorny tip; indument if present consisting of simple (exceptionally 2-armed or capitateglandular) hairs. Leaves simple, penninerved, spirally arranged, frequently crowded towards the twig ends, mostly entire. Stipules 0. Flowers actinomorphic, mostly 5-merous, bisexual or functionally unisexual or ± polygamous, solitary or in few- to many-flowered, axillary or terminal, bracteate corymbs or thyrses. Bracteoles often 2. Sepals imbricate, free or more rarely connate below. Petals imbricate, their lower portion ofte...
Trees, shrubs or lianas, rarely subherbaceous. Glands (in Mal. spp.) often present on the leaf-bases...
A comprehensive review of the morphology, anatomy, taxonomy, chemistry and ecology of the endemic Ne...
Trees, or whether or not climbing shrubs, or lianas. Leaves spirally arranged, rarely opposite, simp...
Slender open-branched shrub ca. 1 m high. Stems slender, below with rather smooth, striate, fawn-gre...
Small trees or shrubs; top of branches and branchlets usually converted into spines. Leaves entire, ...
Mostly climbing herbs or lianas with axillary tendrils, rarely erect herbs, shrubs or small trees, g...
Small trees or mostly shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged, sometimes imbricate or crowded at the end of...
Among the new material which was examined by me after the completion of the revision of the genus Pi...
Herbs (sometimes saprophytic), shrubs, lianas or trees. Stipules absent but stem sometimes provided ...
Une nouvelle espèce de Pittosporum, affine de P. gracile par ses fleurs longuement pédicellées en fa...
Evergreen shrubs or trees, rarely lianes. Leaves decussate, or rarely in whorls of three, exstipulat...
Monoecious or dioecious trees and shrubs, some prostrate (and one parasitic on another member of the...
Small or large resinous usually evergreen trees, usually buttressed, and often (if large trees) with...
Trees or shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged or often distichous, sometimes crowded towards the top of ...
Trees, shrubs or lianas, rarely herbaceous climbers; monoecious, rarely dioecious or polygamous. Ind...
Trees, shrubs or lianas, rarely subherbaceous. Glands (in Mal. spp.) often present on the leaf-bases...
A comprehensive review of the morphology, anatomy, taxonomy, chemistry and ecology of the endemic Ne...
Trees, or whether or not climbing shrubs, or lianas. Leaves spirally arranged, rarely opposite, simp...
Slender open-branched shrub ca. 1 m high. Stems slender, below with rather smooth, striate, fawn-gre...
Small trees or shrubs; top of branches and branchlets usually converted into spines. Leaves entire, ...
Mostly climbing herbs or lianas with axillary tendrils, rarely erect herbs, shrubs or small trees, g...
Small trees or mostly shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged, sometimes imbricate or crowded at the end of...
Among the new material which was examined by me after the completion of the revision of the genus Pi...
Herbs (sometimes saprophytic), shrubs, lianas or trees. Stipules absent but stem sometimes provided ...
Une nouvelle espèce de Pittosporum, affine de P. gracile par ses fleurs longuement pédicellées en fa...
Evergreen shrubs or trees, rarely lianes. Leaves decussate, or rarely in whorls of three, exstipulat...
Monoecious or dioecious trees and shrubs, some prostrate (and one parasitic on another member of the...
Small or large resinous usually evergreen trees, usually buttressed, and often (if large trees) with...
Trees or shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged or often distichous, sometimes crowded towards the top of ...
Trees, shrubs or lianas, rarely herbaceous climbers; monoecious, rarely dioecious or polygamous. Ind...
Trees, shrubs or lianas, rarely subherbaceous. Glands (in Mal. spp.) often present on the leaf-bases...
A comprehensive review of the morphology, anatomy, taxonomy, chemistry and ecology of the endemic Ne...
Trees, or whether or not climbing shrubs, or lianas. Leaves spirally arranged, rarely opposite, simp...