Evergreen (or deciduous) shrubs or trees. Buds perulate (or naked); innovations flush-wise. Leaves simple, spirally arranged (rarely opposite), usually penninerved, less often 3—5-plinerved, with entire, crenate-serrate or dentate margins, often slightly oblique at the base. Indument often stellate, tufted or lepidote. Stipules usually present, very small to large. Flowers free or connate, in heads, spikes or racemes, ♀, polygamous or unisexual and monoecious (rarely dioecious), usually actinomorphous, usually 4—5-merous, with alternate whorls of floral parts. Sepals usually small or lacking. Petals often linear or ligulate, often rolled in bud, sometimes lacking. Stamens free, often in two whorls, the inner ones staminodial; anthers almost...