Plagiogyriaceae Bower, Ann. Bot. 40 (1926) 484. Terrestrial ferns, small to medium sized, 10—150 cm, rarely up to 2 m high, devoid of scales. Rhizome stout, thickened, with persistent stipe bases, erect or suberect, or short decumbent, dictyostelic, sometimes bifurcate or stoloniferous; roots blackish, sparsely branched, wiry, regularly arranged on the stem, one beside each stipe base. Fronds dimorphous, bearing minute, uniseriate, multicellular, gland-headed, mucilage-secreting trichomes, of which most are lost when dry, or becoming amorphous flaky ‘scales’ at the secretion. Stipes round, oval, triangulate, or tetragonal, bearing aerophores or not; base of stipe swollen, flat on ventral face and with a strong median ridge on the dorsal fac...
Salpichlaena is a distinctive fern genus characterised by 2-pinnate climbing fronds with indetermina...
Fern is a vascular plant wich classified to the low level plants. Polypodiaceae is family of ferns w...
The exomorphic and structural details of the petiole of Christella dentata, a fern frequently grown ...
Polypodiaceae Berchtold & J. Presl, Přir. Rostlin. 1 (1820) 272; Ching, Sunyatsenia 5 (1940) 257; Co...
The fern Blechnum sprucei grows in Mesoamerica (Costa Rica) and South America, from Colombia to Boli...
Ferns have been objects of interest to botanists and cultivators; they have therefore been studied m...
Polypodiaceae subfam. Dryopteridoideae section A, auct.: C. Chr. in Verdoorn, Man. Pteridol. (1938) ...
Caudex erect, short-creeping or long-creeping, rarely scandent; vascular structure in all cases a ra...
Small to medium-sized, rarely large, terrestrial or epiphytic ferns. Rhizome creeping, terrestrial a...
The genus Polybotrya (Dryopteridaceae) includes 35 species of neotropical ferns. It is distinguished...
The rhizome of 12 species of Bolbitis and 7 species of Egenolfia studied is creeping, more or less f...
This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by The University of Chicago...
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from genus M...
I have the pleasure of reporting the following list of Ferns, with accompanying specimens, as observ...
The keys to be found in the Manuals used for taxonomic study often require the student using them to...
Salpichlaena is a distinctive fern genus characterised by 2-pinnate climbing fronds with indetermina...
Fern is a vascular plant wich classified to the low level plants. Polypodiaceae is family of ferns w...
The exomorphic and structural details of the petiole of Christella dentata, a fern frequently grown ...
Polypodiaceae Berchtold & J. Presl, Přir. Rostlin. 1 (1820) 272; Ching, Sunyatsenia 5 (1940) 257; Co...
The fern Blechnum sprucei grows in Mesoamerica (Costa Rica) and South America, from Colombia to Boli...
Ferns have been objects of interest to botanists and cultivators; they have therefore been studied m...
Polypodiaceae subfam. Dryopteridoideae section A, auct.: C. Chr. in Verdoorn, Man. Pteridol. (1938) ...
Caudex erect, short-creeping or long-creeping, rarely scandent; vascular structure in all cases a ra...
Small to medium-sized, rarely large, terrestrial or epiphytic ferns. Rhizome creeping, terrestrial a...
The genus Polybotrya (Dryopteridaceae) includes 35 species of neotropical ferns. It is distinguished...
The rhizome of 12 species of Bolbitis and 7 species of Egenolfia studied is creeping, more or less f...
This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by The University of Chicago...
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from genus M...
I have the pleasure of reporting the following list of Ferns, with accompanying specimens, as observ...
The keys to be found in the Manuals used for taxonomic study often require the student using them to...
Salpichlaena is a distinctive fern genus characterised by 2-pinnate climbing fronds with indetermina...
Fern is a vascular plant wich classified to the low level plants. Polypodiaceae is family of ferns w...
The exomorphic and structural details of the petiole of Christella dentata, a fern frequently grown ...