My scholarly paper presentation on the life cycle of academic programs was a new research area, well received and discussed at the conference. It has earned me an invitation to become a reviewer and committee member for Track Two for the 2011 Annual Forum in Toronto, ONAcademic program life cycle concept states that each program’s life flows through several stages: development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. A mixed-influence diffusion growth model is fitted to enrollment data to analyze the factors determining progress of academic programs through their life cycles. The regression analysis yield reasonable parameter estimates, including magnitude of enrolment peaks and duration of stages and describes growth patterns of acade...
An introduction to how mathematical modeling research projects differ from empirical projects in ter...
The product life cycle has been overlooked by academicians who examine the financial aspects of corp...
Whether financial returns to university licensing divert faculty from basic research is examined in ...
This chapter is a contribution to the statistical methodology for modelling life course dynamics. I...
Part 12: Education StudiesInternational audiencePLM International Conference proceedings focussing o...
This paper reports results on a bibliometric case study of the long-term development of research org...
From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-03-05, registration 2021-08-...
This paper applies life cycle concepts to forecast and explore trends in the publication rates of op...
By combining concepts from scientometrics and organisation studies, we hypothesise a basic 'life cyc...
Studying change in student achievement is of central importance in numerous areas of educational res...
The fundamental components of the research process are defined by academic tradition, discipline and...
The head of the school, as well as the business owner, it is important to understand the dynamics of...
Abstract A Data Driven Advising Model for Student Retention and Success: A Pilot Programs Initial St...
This presentation will outline the key components of the academic research life cycle and how librar...
Abstract This paper reports results on a bibliometric case study of the long-term development of res...
An introduction to how mathematical modeling research projects differ from empirical projects in ter...
The product life cycle has been overlooked by academicians who examine the financial aspects of corp...
Whether financial returns to university licensing divert faculty from basic research is examined in ...
This chapter is a contribution to the statistical methodology for modelling life course dynamics. I...
Part 12: Education StudiesInternational audiencePLM International Conference proceedings focussing o...
This paper reports results on a bibliometric case study of the long-term development of research org...
From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-03-05, registration 2021-08-...
This paper applies life cycle concepts to forecast and explore trends in the publication rates of op...
By combining concepts from scientometrics and organisation studies, we hypothesise a basic 'life cyc...
Studying change in student achievement is of central importance in numerous areas of educational res...
The fundamental components of the research process are defined by academic tradition, discipline and...
The head of the school, as well as the business owner, it is important to understand the dynamics of...
Abstract A Data Driven Advising Model for Student Retention and Success: A Pilot Programs Initial St...
This presentation will outline the key components of the academic research life cycle and how librar...
Abstract This paper reports results on a bibliometric case study of the long-term development of res...
An introduction to how mathematical modeling research projects differ from empirical projects in ter...
The product life cycle has been overlooked by academicians who examine the financial aspects of corp...
Whether financial returns to university licensing divert faculty from basic research is examined in ...