De leesprestatie van basisschoolkinderen rondom drie Europese vliegvelden blijkt gemiddeld lager te zijn bij hogere geluidniveaus van vliegverkeer. Het percentage ernstige hinder hangt samen met het geluidniveau van vliegverkeer. De relatie tussen geluid van vliegverkeer en bloeddruk is niet geheel eenduidig.Dit blijkt uit het tot dusver grootste onderzoek naar de effecten van geluid van vlieg- en wegverkeer op cognitieve functies, de bloeddruk en de hinderbeleving bij kinderen. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd onder 2.844 kinderen in de omgeving van drie Europese luchthavens. De onderzoeksresultaten tonen dat de bevindingen in recente buitenlandse studies over effecten van geluid van vliegtuiggeluid op cognitie ook van toepassing zijn op de sit...
Whilst the effects of aircraft noise on children's cognition are well-accepted, their application in...
The health status of the population living around Schiphol Airport did not change substantially afte...
As part of the Evaluation and Monitoring Programme for Schiphol airport, a questionnaire on the prev...
Aircraft noise is related to a decrease in reading comprehension levels among primary schoolchildren...
Within the framework of the Health Impact Assessment Schiphol Airport, a feasibility study was condu...
De centrale vraag van deze pilot-studie is of de gekozen meetinstrumenten betrouwbaar en geschikt zi...
Within the framework of the Health Impact Assessment Schiphol Airport, a feasibility study was condu...
This thesis focuses on the effects of transportation noise on children. Children are suspected of be...
Abstract Background Due to shortcomings in the design, no source-specific exposure-effect relations ...
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licen...
On the basis of this study it cannot be ruled out that the appraisal of the noise affects the associ...
Transport noise is an increasingly prominent feature of the urban environment, making noise pollutio...
Transport noise is an increasingly prominent feature of the urban environment, making noise pollutio...
The three studies in this thesis examine the effects of chronic exposure to aircraft noise on primar...
De gemiddelde blootstelling aan geluid van vliegverkeer rond het vliegveld Eindhoven is tussen 2012 ...
Whilst the effects of aircraft noise on children's cognition are well-accepted, their application in...
The health status of the population living around Schiphol Airport did not change substantially afte...
As part of the Evaluation and Monitoring Programme for Schiphol airport, a questionnaire on the prev...
Aircraft noise is related to a decrease in reading comprehension levels among primary schoolchildren...
Within the framework of the Health Impact Assessment Schiphol Airport, a feasibility study was condu...
De centrale vraag van deze pilot-studie is of de gekozen meetinstrumenten betrouwbaar en geschikt zi...
Within the framework of the Health Impact Assessment Schiphol Airport, a feasibility study was condu...
This thesis focuses on the effects of transportation noise on children. Children are suspected of be...
Abstract Background Due to shortcomings in the design, no source-specific exposure-effect relations ...
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licen...
On the basis of this study it cannot be ruled out that the appraisal of the noise affects the associ...
Transport noise is an increasingly prominent feature of the urban environment, making noise pollutio...
Transport noise is an increasingly prominent feature of the urban environment, making noise pollutio...
The three studies in this thesis examine the effects of chronic exposure to aircraft noise on primar...
De gemiddelde blootstelling aan geluid van vliegverkeer rond het vliegveld Eindhoven is tussen 2012 ...
Whilst the effects of aircraft noise on children's cognition are well-accepted, their application in...
The health status of the population living around Schiphol Airport did not change substantially afte...
As part of the Evaluation and Monitoring Programme for Schiphol airport, a questionnaire on the prev...