Noise monitoring results over 2004 for the A2 motorway in the Netherlands have remained practically unchanged. At the A10 motorway, a slight increase in average noise emissions was found, possibly due an increase in road surface wear and tear. The results for the N256 motorway in 2004 showed a discrepancy in measured and calculated noise emissions for all vehicle categories. This discrepancy will require further investigation into its cause. Any reduction of railway noise, in the period 2000-2004, due to grinding of the tracks could not be found in the measurements along the railway line from Utrecht to Amsterdam. In addition to the above measurements, noise levels along the railway line from Delft to Schiedam were measured from February to...
alleen digitaal verschenenDit onderzoek beschrijft geluidmetingen langs rijks- en spoorwegen uit 201...
Dit rapport bevat een erratum d.d. 6 februari 2008 op de laatste paginaDe geluidreducerende werking ...
Geluidniveaus gemeten op 38 punten langs rijkswegen lagen in 2015 gemiddeld 2 decibel hoger dan de b...
Noise monitoring results over 2004 for the A2 motorway in the Netherlands have remained practically ...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
Uit geluidmonitoring langs de A2 in 2004 blijkt dat de meetresultaten nagenoeg onveranderd zijn ten ...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
As part of an enhanced effort in monitoring the environmental quality in 1999, the RIVM set up a noi...
As part of an enhanced effort in monitoring the environmental quality in 1999, the RIVM set up a noi...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
Het RIVM heeft de gemeten en berekende geluidniveaus over 2018 met elkaar vergeleken. De gemeten gel...
De weg- en spoorbeheerders Rijkswaterstaat en ProRail berekenen sinds 2013 elk jaar hoeveel geluid h...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
alleen digitaal verschenenDit onderzoek beschrijft geluidmetingen langs rijks- en spoorwegen uit 201...
Dit rapport bevat een erratum d.d. 6 februari 2008 op de laatste paginaDe geluidreducerende werking ...
Geluidniveaus gemeten op 38 punten langs rijkswegen lagen in 2015 gemiddeld 2 decibel hoger dan de b...
Noise monitoring results over 2004 for the A2 motorway in the Netherlands have remained practically ...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
Uit geluidmonitoring langs de A2 in 2004 blijkt dat de meetresultaten nagenoeg onveranderd zijn ten ...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
As part of an enhanced effort in monitoring the environmental quality in 1999, the RIVM set up a noi...
As part of an enhanced effort in monitoring the environmental quality in 1999, the RIVM set up a noi...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
Het RIVM heeft de gemeten en berekende geluidniveaus over 2018 met elkaar vergeleken. De gemeten gel...
De weg- en spoorbeheerders Rijkswaterstaat en ProRail berekenen sinds 2013 elk jaar hoeveel geluid h...
Continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites on noise from roadways, railwa...
alleen digitaal verschenenDit onderzoek beschrijft geluidmetingen langs rijks- en spoorwegen uit 201...
Dit rapport bevat een erratum d.d. 6 februari 2008 op de laatste paginaDe geluidreducerende werking ...
Geluidniveaus gemeten op 38 punten langs rijkswegen lagen in 2015 gemiddeld 2 decibel hoger dan de b...