Mischocyttarus luciliae sp. nov. (Figs. 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25) Diagnosis. Ground color dark brown (head and mesosoma) to black (metasoma) with yellow marks; clypeus brownish yellow, with silvery bristles; all tarsi yellow; pterostigma yellowish; scutellum and metasoma entirely black (except for basal lateral mark on first metasomal tergum); occipital carina hardly developed; posterior ocelli close, separated by distance less than or equal to one ocellar diameter; inner hind tarsal claw with tip rounded and expanded. FEMALE DESCRIPTION. Length of fore wing: 12 mm. head in frontal view higher than wide (FHH/INTOW: 1.10); clypeus higher than wide (HCLP/WCLP: 1.17), apex narrowly rounded; upper free portion of lateral margin relatively lon...