鎌倉大仏は国宝銅造阿弥陀如来坐像(明治30年〔1897〕指定)という、高徳院清浄泉寺(こうとくいんしょうじょうせんじ)の本尊である。鎌倉時代の建長4年(1252)金銅八丈の釈迦如来像を鋳始めたと史料にあるが、いつごろ阿弥陀如来になったかは不明である。撮影年代等未詳。The Great Buddha of Kamakura is a seated Amitabha Buddha (Amida Nyorai) made of bronze. Designated as a National Treasure in 1897, it is the main object of worship at Kohtokuin Shojosenji Temple. Historic documents state that work began on a gilt statue of Shaka Nyorai Buddha about 13.5 meters in height in the year 1252. It is not known when it became a statue of Amida Buddha. The exact date of the photograph is unknown