A wisteria trellis at Kameido Shrine

Publication date
February 2008
Nagasaki University Library


写真に見られる藤棚は、空襲で全滅した。現在の藤棚は地元の風致保存会の手により、昭和25年(1950)頃から逐次植えられたものである。亀戸天神の藤棚は東京一で、新東京百景にも選ばれるようになった。明治37年(1904)発行、『Japan』というブック型ケース入りのステレオ写真。These wisteria terraces were all destroyed during World War II air raids. The wisteria trees of today were planted one by one from around 1950 by the local people. The wisteria blossoms at Kameido Tenjin Shrine are said to be the best in Tokyo, and they were chosen as one of the "New Best One Hundred Scenes of Tokyo." This stereograph was published in 1904 in a book-shaped case

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