丸髷に簪をさした二人の芸妓たちで、和箪笥のある置屋の二階か。向かって左の芸妓は長煙管を手にしている。膝元に煙草盆、手摺りには三味線が立て掛けてある。ただし障子の背後は描かれたスタジオの幕で、床も敷物の演出写真。Two geisha wear their hair in "marumage" style with "kanzashi" hairpins. This is a room on the second floor of a house, with a chest of drawers on the right. The geisha on the left is holding a long tobacco pipe. A tobacco tray is placed at her knee, and a "shamisen" lute is leaning on the handrail. The background scene is a painting on a studio curtain. The carpet on the floor is also a prop