徳川家康の墓所である日光東照宮の奥社を写したもの。石段の上に鋳抜門(いぬきもん)があり、奥に家康の神柩(しんきゅう)を納めた宝塔が見える。鋳抜門は柱や梁がひとつの鋳型で作られたことからそう呼ばれている。宝塔は五代将軍綱吉が石造りから唐銅製に造り替えた。The "Okusha" (inner shrine) at Nikko Toshogu contains the tomb of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Above the stone steps is Inuki Gate, behind which the pagoda containing the tomb is visible. Inukimon (Cast Gate) is thus named because its pillars and beams were cast from one mold. The stone pagoda was rebuilt in Chinese-style bronze around the time of fifth shogun Tsunayoshi