画面左が唐銅鳥居。その左奥が輪蔵(りんぞう)で、仏教の経典を納める経蔵である。唐銅鳥居の右上の建物は鼓楼。その右下が釣灯籠を納める燈台穂屋。画面右端は日光東照宮で最も有名な建物である陽明門。陽明門の奥に本社がある。神官たちが石段を上っている。Karagane Torii is on the left. The Rinzo, a building to store Buddhist sutras, stands to the left behind the gate. The building to the right is the Drum Tower. The small structure to the right was used to store hanging lanterns. The building on the far right is the most famous structure at Nikko Toshogu, the Yomei Gate. The main shrine is behind the gate. Shinto priests are depicted going up the stairs