三代将軍・徳川家光の墓所「大猷院(たいゆういん)」の二天門から急な長い石段を上ると4体の夜叉を祀るこの夜叉門の前に出る。夜叉の体はそれぞれ4色に塗られ、東西南北を表している。門には牡丹唐草の彫刻がほどこされていることから、別名「牡丹門」とも呼ばれる。Visitors climbing the steep stairs from Nitenmon pass the mausoleum of the third shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu and come in front of Yashamon, where four "yasha" (female demons) are enshrined. Each yasha is painted in a different colour and represents north, south, east and west. Since the gate is decorated with peonies and arabesque patterns, it is also called the Botan-mon ("Peony Gate")