建久四年(1193)、富士の裾野の巻狩で父の敵工藤祐経を討った曽我祐成・時致兄弟と祐成の側室虎御前の墓と俗称されているもの。国指定重要文化財の三基の五輪塔は大きさや配置が如何にもそうした印象を与えるが、銘文に永仁三年(1295)とあり、曾我兄弟の墓ではない。武士らしき人物の礼拝の構図。This is a tomb commonly believed to be that of the Soga Brothers, Sukenari and Tokimune, and Sukenari's mistress, Toragozen. It is reported that they killed Suketsune Kudo at Makigari at the foot of Mt. Fuji in 1193, in relatiation for murdering their father. The size and the layout of these tombs, National Important Cultural Assets, appear to conform to that story. The engraved date of 1295 is present, and therefore this cannot be the tomb of the Sogas. Two men, who appear to be samurai, are praying