画面左右にガス灯が、左端に庫裡(くり)が建つ。高徳院は大仏殿を再建するため明治12年(1879)に官の許可を得て広く喜捨(きしゃ)を募ったが、像前3枚の掲示板はその頃の寄進者名板か。また、像左下には簡素な小屋がある。ここに瓦が積まれた別の写真もあるので、大仏殿再建用瓦の寄進台かと思われる。There are gas lights to the right and left sides and the kuri (rectory) on the right. Kotokuin Temple began to collect donations after receiving government permission to rebuild the Great Buddha Hall in 1879. The three signboards on the left may be lists of the names of donors. There is a shack to the lower right of the statue. Since another photograph shows roof tiles piled up here, this spot may have been a booth for the donation of roof tiles as part of the reconstruction project