手前の石製手水盤(ちょうずばん)は寛延2年(1749)の寄進で、現在は上屋とともに境内入口側に移されている。また、像前には二つの平石が据えられているが像を中心にほぼ左右対称にあるので、旧大仏殿の礎石と推定してよいかも知れない。「玉村康三郎(1856~?)作品集」所収。撮影年代等未詳。The stone cleansing basin in the foreground was donated in 1749. At present it is situated at the entrance of the temple grounds along with its roof. There are two flat rocks placed in front of the statue. The symmetrical position of these rocks suggests that they were used as foundation stones for the former Great Buddha Hall. This photograph is included in the "Tamamura Kozaburo (1856-?) Photograph Collection." The date of the photograph is not known