Newfoundland Confederation Celebration 1949-1974, Department of Education Provincial High School Drama Festival, April 18-2
Compilation of Christmas celebrations in several different Newfoundland communities
This collection is compiled from several sources and contains material related to the Newfoundland a...
Memorial University of Newfoundland Festival Choir and Orchestra Sunday, 4 April 198
Department of Education Provincial High School Drama Festival Grand Fall Newfoundland, April 18-2
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education, Provincial High School Theatre Fest...
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education, Theatre Festival, 27-29 April 197
The Music Festival Association of Newfoundland, Sponsored by The Kiwanis Club of St. John's Presents...
Report of Newfoundland's Participation In Canada's Centennial of ConfederationPerforming arts -- Com...
The St. John's Folk Arts Council Presents Old Time Newfoundland Dancing, November 24, 199
The Music Festival Association of Newfoundland, Sixteenth Annual Competitive Music Festival, St. Joh...
1997 Newfoundland and Labrador International Drama Festival, St. John's Arts & Culture Centr
A Yellow Pages Guide to the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Drama Festival, June 24-29, 200
This document provides a chronological account of major religious, political, economic, and social e...
Significant Developments in Education in Canada and Newfoundland 1938-1940Cover title: Significant d...
St. John's Folk Arts Council Celebrates the 10th Aniversary of the Annual Newfoundland Folk Festival...
Compilation of Christmas celebrations in several different Newfoundland communities
This collection is compiled from several sources and contains material related to the Newfoundland a...
Memorial University of Newfoundland Festival Choir and Orchestra Sunday, 4 April 198
Department of Education Provincial High School Drama Festival Grand Fall Newfoundland, April 18-2
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education, Provincial High School Theatre Fest...
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education, Theatre Festival, 27-29 April 197
The Music Festival Association of Newfoundland, Sponsored by The Kiwanis Club of St. John's Presents...
Report of Newfoundland's Participation In Canada's Centennial of ConfederationPerforming arts -- Com...
The St. John's Folk Arts Council Presents Old Time Newfoundland Dancing, November 24, 199
The Music Festival Association of Newfoundland, Sixteenth Annual Competitive Music Festival, St. Joh...
1997 Newfoundland and Labrador International Drama Festival, St. John's Arts & Culture Centr
A Yellow Pages Guide to the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Drama Festival, June 24-29, 200
This document provides a chronological account of major religious, political, economic, and social e...
Significant Developments in Education in Canada and Newfoundland 1938-1940Cover title: Significant d...
St. John's Folk Arts Council Celebrates the 10th Aniversary of the Annual Newfoundland Folk Festival...
Compilation of Christmas celebrations in several different Newfoundland communities
This collection is compiled from several sources and contains material related to the Newfoundland a...
Memorial University of Newfoundland Festival Choir and Orchestra Sunday, 4 April 198