Exact solutions of the Einstein’s field equations in Lyra geometry in D = 4 + n dimensional spacetime with time-increasing G and decaying cosmic fluid and density are obtained and discussed in some details. We suggest the phenomenological dissipative law β 2 ∝ H/t for the square of the non-zero component of the displacement vector field φA. H is the Hubble parameter in the extra-dimensional spacetime metric. It has been observed that the cases n ≥ 6 are within the observational limit, the four-dimensional spacetime is in the stage of accelerated expansion, while the extra-dimensions are contracting in time.Postigli smo i podrobno raspravljamo egzaktna rješenja Einsteinovih jednadžbi polja u Lyrinoj geometriji i D = 4 + n dimenzijskom prosto...
Two of the greatest problems in theoretical physics today are the accelerated expansion of the unive...
The global dynamics of a cosmological model based on Hořava-Lifshitz gravity in the presence of curv...
We have constructed five-dimensional plane-symmetric cosmological models in the presence of massive ...
Exact solutions of the Einstein’s field equations in Lyra geometry in D = 4 + n dimensional spacetim...
We discuss in this work two independent scenarios of a higher-dimensional spatially flat universe. I...
The solution of Einsteins equations for 4-brane embedded in 5-dimensional Anti-de-Sitter space-time ...
In this study, making use of the f(R) theory of gravity in a D-dimensional Kaluza-Klein type framewo...
The idea that the spacetime may have more than four dimensions is very old. Starting with works of K...
If the structure of spacetime is different than that readily observed, gravitational physics, partic...
We have constructed five dimensional FRW cosmological models for k=-1,1,0 in Lyra manifold with time...
We consider multidimensional gravitational models with a nonlinear scalar curvature term and form fi...
In this paper, we investigate a scalar field Brans-Dicke cosmological model in Lyra's geometry which...
We argue that the cosmological constant problem can be solved in a braneworld model with infinite-vo...
We consider a theory of modified gravity possessing d extra spatial dimensions with a maximally symm...
Modeli gravitacije u više od četiri dimenzije daju efektivno proširenje na teoriju gravitacije kakvu...
Two of the greatest problems in theoretical physics today are the accelerated expansion of the unive...
The global dynamics of a cosmological model based on Hořava-Lifshitz gravity in the presence of curv...
We have constructed five-dimensional plane-symmetric cosmological models in the presence of massive ...
Exact solutions of the Einstein’s field equations in Lyra geometry in D = 4 + n dimensional spacetim...
We discuss in this work two independent scenarios of a higher-dimensional spatially flat universe. I...
The solution of Einsteins equations for 4-brane embedded in 5-dimensional Anti-de-Sitter space-time ...
In this study, making use of the f(R) theory of gravity in a D-dimensional Kaluza-Klein type framewo...
The idea that the spacetime may have more than four dimensions is very old. Starting with works of K...
If the structure of spacetime is different than that readily observed, gravitational physics, partic...
We have constructed five dimensional FRW cosmological models for k=-1,1,0 in Lyra manifold with time...
We consider multidimensional gravitational models with a nonlinear scalar curvature term and form fi...
In this paper, we investigate a scalar field Brans-Dicke cosmological model in Lyra's geometry which...
We argue that the cosmological constant problem can be solved in a braneworld model with infinite-vo...
We consider a theory of modified gravity possessing d extra spatial dimensions with a maximally symm...
Modeli gravitacije u više od četiri dimenzije daju efektivno proširenje na teoriju gravitacije kakvu...
Two of the greatest problems in theoretical physics today are the accelerated expansion of the unive...
The global dynamics of a cosmological model based on Hořava-Lifshitz gravity in the presence of curv...
We have constructed five-dimensional plane-symmetric cosmological models in the presence of massive ...