Herbal medicine has accompanied man since the dawn of time. For various ailments and health problems, help was sought in the surrounding nature. Ancient civilizations have greatly contributed to the development of phytotherapy, identifying and describing numerous species of medicinal plants. Plant raw materials have become the foundation of medieval medicine. The revival in herbal medicine has been observed since the sixth century with the emergence of monasteries, where the gardens in which the medicinal plants were grown were established. Monastic schools were also established, monks broadened their skills by studying and copying ancient books, preparing medicines of natural origin according to secret prescriptions used to heal the sick. ...
A little anonymous manuscript containing a text about ancient remedies was found in the private libr...
This thesis focuses on medicinal plants cultivated or imported, collected and used in Middle Ages. I...
Various plan ts have been used thousands of years ago, in efforts to cure certain ailments in Medite...
Herbal medicine has accompanied man since the dawn of time. For various ailments and health problems...
There is a strong connection between man and nature, ever since his first origins, the man discovere...
Healing with medical plants is old not more than the mankind. Connection between the man and his tra...
Phytotherapy is the science that deals with the treatment and prevention of diseases through medicin...
Academic writings indicate that the medicinal use of plants dates back to 4000 - 5000 B.C. (1). Util...
After a long period of stagnation which followed the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages w...
A concise historical overview on the use of plants for medical treatments from ancient times is disc...
Since time immemorial, humans have used for their existance natural resources comming from the veget...
The earliest indications of medicinal plant use by humans were found in the Middle East and date bac...
U antičko doba medicina se smatrala ne samo kao znanost već i kao plemenita umjetnost. Grčki i rimsk...
This ethnobotanical and pharmacological study presents the results of an analysis of manuscripts ...
Lecznicze wykorzystanie różnych gatunków roślin towarzyszyło już starożytnym cywilizacjom. Sprzyjała...
A little anonymous manuscript containing a text about ancient remedies was found in the private libr...
This thesis focuses on medicinal plants cultivated or imported, collected and used in Middle Ages. I...
Various plan ts have been used thousands of years ago, in efforts to cure certain ailments in Medite...
Herbal medicine has accompanied man since the dawn of time. For various ailments and health problems...
There is a strong connection between man and nature, ever since his first origins, the man discovere...
Healing with medical plants is old not more than the mankind. Connection between the man and his tra...
Phytotherapy is the science that deals with the treatment and prevention of diseases through medicin...
Academic writings indicate that the medicinal use of plants dates back to 4000 - 5000 B.C. (1). Util...
After a long period of stagnation which followed the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages w...
A concise historical overview on the use of plants for medical treatments from ancient times is disc...
Since time immemorial, humans have used for their existance natural resources comming from the veget...
The earliest indications of medicinal plant use by humans were found in the Middle East and date bac...
U antičko doba medicina se smatrala ne samo kao znanost već i kao plemenita umjetnost. Grčki i rimsk...
This ethnobotanical and pharmacological study presents the results of an analysis of manuscripts ...
Lecznicze wykorzystanie różnych gatunków roślin towarzyszyło już starożytnym cywilizacjom. Sprzyjała...
A little anonymous manuscript containing a text about ancient remedies was found in the private libr...
This thesis focuses on medicinal plants cultivated or imported, collected and used in Middle Ages. I...
Various plan ts have been used thousands of years ago, in efforts to cure certain ailments in Medite...