The article is a brief examination of the teaching of John Chrisostome on love/charity (agape) as presented in his Homilies on Romans. That treatise offers reflections of the author on the concept of God, who loves the man and also on the very man’s response given to the Creator in the context of that great loveful gift.Artykuł jest krótkim studium na temat nauczania Jana Chryzostoma, zawartego w Homiliach na List do Rzymian, odnośnie do kwestii miłości (agape). To dzieło jest zapisem refleksji autora na temat koncepcji Boga kochającego człowieka oraz na temat odpowiedzi człowieka danej Stworzycielowi w kontekście tego wielkiego daru miłości
The Book of Wisdom, which was written on the eve of the New Testament, enriches significantly the Ol...
This article examines the problem of man’s attitude towards death, it analyses antithesis: natural (...
The theological reflection flowing from the God’s revelation was always the base of the catholic hom...
The article is a brief examination of the teaching of John Chrisostome on love/charity (agape) as pr...
The main idea of the considerance is to pay one’s attention at the ideal of a Christian, on the...
The author takes up a reflection on Waclaw Hryniewicz’s interpretation of man’s unification with Chr...
Christ Church being interested in the family issues recalls that the man and the woman in the sacra...
The Camaldolese vocation ultimately boils down to submitting oneself to the voice of the Father, gui...
The article outlines the main directions of the evangelization of the Church Fathers in the 5th and ...
The aim of this study is to present the dependence between wealth and death in the canonical and apo...
The article concentrates on the works by Maurycy Gosławski undertaking a broadly understood religiou...
The analysis carried out in the article indicates the truths about the Church contained in Benedict ...
Solitude for Christians is not a burden but an indispensable dimension ofmaturing to sanctity. It re...
According to Joseph Ratzinger, the Church is a theological reality. We can see that she is character...
Forgiveness is a subject that runs through the Bible from its first to the last page with all the ri...
The Book of Wisdom, which was written on the eve of the New Testament, enriches significantly the Ol...
This article examines the problem of man’s attitude towards death, it analyses antithesis: natural (...
The theological reflection flowing from the God’s revelation was always the base of the catholic hom...
The article is a brief examination of the teaching of John Chrisostome on love/charity (agape) as pr...
The main idea of the considerance is to pay one’s attention at the ideal of a Christian, on the...
The author takes up a reflection on Waclaw Hryniewicz’s interpretation of man’s unification with Chr...
Christ Church being interested in the family issues recalls that the man and the woman in the sacra...
The Camaldolese vocation ultimately boils down to submitting oneself to the voice of the Father, gui...
The article outlines the main directions of the evangelization of the Church Fathers in the 5th and ...
The aim of this study is to present the dependence between wealth and death in the canonical and apo...
The article concentrates on the works by Maurycy Gosławski undertaking a broadly understood religiou...
The analysis carried out in the article indicates the truths about the Church contained in Benedict ...
Solitude for Christians is not a burden but an indispensable dimension ofmaturing to sanctity. It re...
According to Joseph Ratzinger, the Church is a theological reality. We can see that she is character...
Forgiveness is a subject that runs through the Bible from its first to the last page with all the ri...
The Book of Wisdom, which was written on the eve of the New Testament, enriches significantly the Ol...
This article examines the problem of man’s attitude towards death, it analyses antithesis: natural (...
The theological reflection flowing from the God’s revelation was always the base of the catholic hom...