In the modern world it is easy to notice numerous alarming threats to social life in all its dimensions. These threats cause moral disintegration of the person and, consequently, lead to destruction of the society. Pope Benedict XVI was aware of this and - as a result - in his teaching he presented directions for solving specific socio-moral dilemmas. He translated them into the language of the concrete, suggesting practical principles for implementing the social teaching of the Church. Trying to overcome evil, he pointed to Christ, who strengthens human hearts to overcome the threats, inspired by action of the evil spirit. He made us realize that the person who followed the teachings of Christ is the hope for solving urgent global problems...
Problem ochrony życia w nauczaniu św. Jana Pawła II jest jednym z najważniejszych tematów. Ojciec Św...
This paper presents an argument for political realism in response to the trends of populism and libe...
Josef Ratzinger has made the problem of the solid foundations of European humanism one of the most i...
Social issues have played an important role in the overall teaching of Pope Benedict XVI. Being awar...
Benedykt XVI w okresie swego ośmioletniego pontyfikatu – podobnie jak jego poprzednicy – wielokrotni...
Celem pracy jest przybliżenie poglądów papieża Benedykta XVI na niektóre problemowe kwestie o znacze...
In the social considerations of Benedict XVI, the point of reference was Christian anthropology. It ...
Odniesienie do prawdy określa status człowieka w ramach doczesności, mając na uwadze porządek przewi...
On June 29, 2009 the Encyclical Caritas in veritate (Charity in Truth) of Benedict XVI was publishe...
The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their wa...
The problem of sustainable human development, in terms both of individual people and societies, repr...
Praca zawiera analizę zagadnienia sprawiedliwości w nauczaniu papieża Benedykta XVI. Najpierw porusz...
W nauczaniu Benedykta XVI można interpretować pojednanie jako kategorię społeczną, przyczyniającą si...
A growing ecumenical awareness among Christian theologians and ethicists has found in John Paul II’s...
The evolution in the social teaching of the Church is presented according to three aspects: examinat...
Problem ochrony życia w nauczaniu św. Jana Pawła II jest jednym z najważniejszych tematów. Ojciec Św...
This paper presents an argument for political realism in response to the trends of populism and libe...
Josef Ratzinger has made the problem of the solid foundations of European humanism one of the most i...
Social issues have played an important role in the overall teaching of Pope Benedict XVI. Being awar...
Benedykt XVI w okresie swego ośmioletniego pontyfikatu – podobnie jak jego poprzednicy – wielokrotni...
Celem pracy jest przybliżenie poglądów papieża Benedykta XVI na niektóre problemowe kwestie o znacze...
In the social considerations of Benedict XVI, the point of reference was Christian anthropology. It ...
Odniesienie do prawdy określa status człowieka w ramach doczesności, mając na uwadze porządek przewi...
On June 29, 2009 the Encyclical Caritas in veritate (Charity in Truth) of Benedict XVI was publishe...
The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their wa...
The problem of sustainable human development, in terms both of individual people and societies, repr...
Praca zawiera analizę zagadnienia sprawiedliwości w nauczaniu papieża Benedykta XVI. Najpierw porusz...
W nauczaniu Benedykta XVI można interpretować pojednanie jako kategorię społeczną, przyczyniającą si...
A growing ecumenical awareness among Christian theologians and ethicists has found in John Paul II’s...
The evolution in the social teaching of the Church is presented according to three aspects: examinat...
Problem ochrony życia w nauczaniu św. Jana Pawła II jest jednym z najważniejszych tematów. Ojciec Św...
This paper presents an argument for political realism in response to the trends of populism and libe...
Josef Ratzinger has made the problem of the solid foundations of European humanism one of the most i...