When an acupuncture needle is inserted into a designated point on the body and mechanical or electrical stimulation is delivered, various neural and neuroactive components are activated. The collection of the activated neural and neuroactive components distributed in the skin, muscle, and connective tissues surrounding the inserted needle is defined as a neural acupuncture unit (NAU). The traditionally defined acupoints represent an anatomical landmark system that indicates local sites where NAUs may contain relatively dense and concentrated neural and neuroactive components, upon which acupuncture stimulation would elicit a more efficient therapeutic response. The NAU-based local mechanisms of biochemical and biophysical reactions play an ...
The neurophysiological basis of therapeutic acupuncture is not well understood but is likely to cons...
Acupuncture is currently gaining popularity as an important modality of alternative and complementar...
Background: Acupuncture is an component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has been used for...
When an acupuncture needle is inserted into a designated point on the body and mechanical or electri...
It is universally accepted that acupuncture or acupoint stimulation can produce analgesic effect on ...
AbstractAcupuncture is an ancient treatment modality that can trace its origins to as far back as 10...
Acupuncture and moxibustion are two most important managements of traditional Chinese medicine. Howe...
Acupuncture is a therapeutic treatment that is defined as the insertion of needles into the body at ...
The mechanism of acupuncture, whilst not known with certainty, has previously been considered to be ...
Investigations of referred pain and its neural and anatomical basis are reviewed to provide an expla...
Acupuncture’s actions have been explained by biomedical research. However, the meridian system used ...
Recently, neuronal correlates of acupuncture stimulation in human brain have been investigated by fu...
There remains a high degree of scepticism about acupuncture since its theoretical basis has no clear...
Abstract-- Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a system with an empirical basis whi...
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method to treat dis-eases and relieve pain. We have conducted a se...
The neurophysiological basis of therapeutic acupuncture is not well understood but is likely to cons...
Acupuncture is currently gaining popularity as an important modality of alternative and complementar...
Background: Acupuncture is an component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has been used for...
When an acupuncture needle is inserted into a designated point on the body and mechanical or electri...
It is universally accepted that acupuncture or acupoint stimulation can produce analgesic effect on ...
AbstractAcupuncture is an ancient treatment modality that can trace its origins to as far back as 10...
Acupuncture and moxibustion are two most important managements of traditional Chinese medicine. Howe...
Acupuncture is a therapeutic treatment that is defined as the insertion of needles into the body at ...
The mechanism of acupuncture, whilst not known with certainty, has previously been considered to be ...
Investigations of referred pain and its neural and anatomical basis are reviewed to provide an expla...
Acupuncture’s actions have been explained by biomedical research. However, the meridian system used ...
Recently, neuronal correlates of acupuncture stimulation in human brain have been investigated by fu...
There remains a high degree of scepticism about acupuncture since its theoretical basis has no clear...
Abstract-- Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a system with an empirical basis whi...
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method to treat dis-eases and relieve pain. We have conducted a se...
The neurophysiological basis of therapeutic acupuncture is not well understood but is likely to cons...
Acupuncture is currently gaining popularity as an important modality of alternative and complementar...
Background: Acupuncture is an component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has been used for...