The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high luminosity and a nominal centre-of-mass energy of 3 TeV. Pre-damping rings and damping rings (DRs) will produce ultra-low emittance beam with high bunch charge. The DR kicker systems must provide extremely stable field pulses to avoid beam emittance increase. The DR extraction kicker system consists of a stripline kicker and two pulse modulators. Specifications for the electromagnetic field pulses require that the modulators generate pulses of up to 900 ns flattop duration, +/-12.5 kV and 305 A, with ripple and droop of not more than 200 ppm (+/-2.5 V) with respect to a reference waveform. Inductive adder topology has been chosen for the pul...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron linear collider wi...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibil-ity of an electron-positron collider with hig...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibil-ity of an electron-positron collider with hig...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron linear collider wi...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibil-ity of an electron-positron collider with hig...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibil-ity of an electron-positron collider with hig...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron linear collider wi...
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron collider with high...