Pola pengasuhan anak atau parenting dalam suatu kelurga sangat dipengaruhi oleh proses dan alur komunikasi yang dibangun orang tua kepada anaknya. Agar proses pengasuhan anak dapat terlaksana secara efektif, aplikatif dan komunikatif, maka dapat menerapkan prinsip komunikasi empatik. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka studi ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap lebih dalam tentang: (1) Parenting Style: Ragam Gaya dan Pola Pengasuhan Anak; (2) Parenting Communication: Komunikasi Empatik dalam Pola Pengasuhan Anak. Didasarkan atas hasil analisis dan pembahasan, maka ada dua temuan utama dalam studi ini, yaitu: (1) Pola asuh intelektual-otoritatif-atentif merupakan parenting style yang relevan, aktual dan kontekstual diterapkan dalam proses pe...
The research conducted in this literature review utilized a documentation study approach, analyzing ...
Abstract: The article with the title 'The Role of Parents' Families To Toddlers in Forming Character...
This study aims to describe: 1) how parenting is applied by parents 2) how children's communication ...
One of the human needs when interacting with others are communicating. Communication as human intera...
Parental communication is an important factor for establishing good relations between children and p...
Agung Kaisar Siregar S, pd, i . parenting communication pattern to the character of early childhood...
Humans are social creatures who need a good relationship with other people, and have the urge to rel...
Abstrak: Keterbatasan informasi tentang pola asuh menjadi faktor orang tua kurang memahami dalam men...
Perkembangan produk teknologi tidak selalu memiliki efek positif dalam kehidupan sosial terutama bag...
ABSTRACT The development of technology and information offers a variety of creative and exciting op...
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi permasalahan bagaimana proses komunikasi interpersonal orang...
The involvement of family in developing academic competence and social behavior is badly needed. The...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan pola komunikasi antarpribadi orangtua dan anak dalam meni...
Tentunya setiap keluarga memiliki keinginan untuk melahirkan anak-anak yang berakhlak baik. Proses ...
The involvement of family in developing academic competence and social behavior is badly needed. The...
The research conducted in this literature review utilized a documentation study approach, analyzing ...
Abstract: The article with the title 'The Role of Parents' Families To Toddlers in Forming Character...
This study aims to describe: 1) how parenting is applied by parents 2) how children's communication ...
One of the human needs when interacting with others are communicating. Communication as human intera...
Parental communication is an important factor for establishing good relations between children and p...
Agung Kaisar Siregar S, pd, i . parenting communication pattern to the character of early childhood...
Humans are social creatures who need a good relationship with other people, and have the urge to rel...
Abstrak: Keterbatasan informasi tentang pola asuh menjadi faktor orang tua kurang memahami dalam men...
Perkembangan produk teknologi tidak selalu memiliki efek positif dalam kehidupan sosial terutama bag...
ABSTRACT The development of technology and information offers a variety of creative and exciting op...
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi permasalahan bagaimana proses komunikasi interpersonal orang...
The involvement of family in developing academic competence and social behavior is badly needed. The...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan pola komunikasi antarpribadi orangtua dan anak dalam meni...
Tentunya setiap keluarga memiliki keinginan untuk melahirkan anak-anak yang berakhlak baik. Proses ...
The involvement of family in developing academic competence and social behavior is badly needed. The...
The research conducted in this literature review utilized a documentation study approach, analyzing ...
Abstract: The article with the title 'The Role of Parents' Families To Toddlers in Forming Character...
This study aims to describe: 1) how parenting is applied by parents 2) how children's communication ...