9.3.5 (2023-02-07) Bug Fixes support br s multiplicity in resurrect ACS (d160933
7.4.3 (2022-04-04) Bug Fixes internally rescale integration value (#162) (9fe10e2), closes #16
Bug Fixes remove types folder (#129) close #128 close #127 (19b80be) update dependencies (e994cca
⚠ BREAKING CHANGES migration typescript and refactor (#93) Features add typedoc.yml (6f818df) mi...
9.5.0 (2023-05-17) Features exposed xyzAutoSignalsPicking (4b07000) normalizeNucleus n multiplicity...
9.7.7 (2023-07-17) Bug Fixes correct handling of integration in resurrect (6c34134) expose simulate...
9.3.3 (2022-12-22) Bug Fixes rangeToACS: don't guess multiplicity (#234) (21ca3ea
9.3.6 (2023-02-14) Bug Fixes update from-to in range from resurrect (#240) (b328f6b
Bug Fixes ensure compatibility with node 12 (3bfcf7c) in ACS generation replace frequencyObserved b...
Features add get13CAssignments function (#116) (73f9df6) automatic assignment for proton (#114) (f5...
7.4.2 (2022-03-31) Bug Fixes move types related to getAssignments (#158) (7a9c54e
9.7.6 (2023-07-14) Bug Fixes expose simulate1D n reduce mandatory props in SpinSystem (#282) (0d762...
9.7.2 (2023-06-26) Bug Fixes simulation of negative chemical shifts (#273) (17782b8
9.7.0 (2023-06-14) Features update impurities databases and add missing multiplicity (#268) (c92b13...
9.4.1 (2023-05-11) Bug Fixes add MultiplicityPatterns constant to be used everywhere (#251) (b9f596...
9.7.3 (2023-06-30) Bug Fixes check predictions before simulate in predictAll (#275) (067502d
7.4.3 (2022-04-04) Bug Fixes internally rescale integration value (#162) (9fe10e2), closes #16
Bug Fixes remove types folder (#129) close #128 close #127 (19b80be) update dependencies (e994cca
⚠ BREAKING CHANGES migration typescript and refactor (#93) Features add typedoc.yml (6f818df) mi...
9.5.0 (2023-05-17) Features exposed xyzAutoSignalsPicking (4b07000) normalizeNucleus n multiplicity...
9.7.7 (2023-07-17) Bug Fixes correct handling of integration in resurrect (6c34134) expose simulate...
9.3.3 (2022-12-22) Bug Fixes rangeToACS: don't guess multiplicity (#234) (21ca3ea
9.3.6 (2023-02-14) Bug Fixes update from-to in range from resurrect (#240) (b328f6b
Bug Fixes ensure compatibility with node 12 (3bfcf7c) in ACS generation replace frequencyObserved b...
Features add get13CAssignments function (#116) (73f9df6) automatic assignment for proton (#114) (f5...
7.4.2 (2022-03-31) Bug Fixes move types related to getAssignments (#158) (7a9c54e
9.7.6 (2023-07-14) Bug Fixes expose simulate1D n reduce mandatory props in SpinSystem (#282) (0d762...
9.7.2 (2023-06-26) Bug Fixes simulation of negative chemical shifts (#273) (17782b8
9.7.0 (2023-06-14) Features update impurities databases and add missing multiplicity (#268) (c92b13...
9.4.1 (2023-05-11) Bug Fixes add MultiplicityPatterns constant to be used everywhere (#251) (b9f596...
9.7.3 (2023-06-30) Bug Fixes check predictions before simulate in predictAll (#275) (067502d
7.4.3 (2022-04-04) Bug Fixes internally rescale integration value (#162) (9fe10e2), closes #16
Bug Fixes remove types folder (#129) close #128 close #127 (19b80be) update dependencies (e994cca
⚠ BREAKING CHANGES migration typescript and refactor (#93) Features add typedoc.yml (6f818df) mi...