FIGURE 3. Anthurium leonii. A. Habit and pendent inflorescence. B. Leaf blade and inflorescence. C. Inflorescence pendent and spadix. D. Detail of the leaf blade, insculpated primary lateral veins and infructescence. E. Infructescence pendent with berries and marcescent spathe. F. Detail of bicolor berries. G. Details of seeds. H. Detail of fruit surface showing the tepal filaments from which the berries are suspended. I. Two seeds from dried material, and a berry with four tepal filaments embedded in mucilage. (Photos A-F. Raul Ribeiro).Published as part of Camelo, Mel C., Temponi, Lívia G., Coelho, Marcus A. N. & Baumgratz, José F.A., 2023, Taxonomic updates in Anthurium sect. Pachyneurium (Araceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, pp....
FIGURE 7. Anthurium scandens subsp. scandens. A. Habit and leaf detail. Philodendron appendiculatum....
FIGURE 1. Anthurium superimpendens. (A) Habit; (B) Internodes showing intact cataphylls; (C) Cataphy...
FIGURE 4. Philodendron appendiculatum. A. Habit. B. Leaf shape. C. Inflorescence detail. D. Berries....
FIGURE 1. Anthurium pluricarinatum. A. Habit. B. Detail of entire plant. C. Detail of the multi-ribb...
FIGURE 4. Anthurium affine. A. Habit. B. Entire plant. C. Petiole adaxially sulcate with acute margi...
FIGURE 6. Anthurium plowmanii. A. Habit B. Cataphylls in fibers fine, hairlike (arrow). C. Petiole U...
FIGURE 7. Anthurium santaritense. A. Habit. B. Petiole adaxially sulcate with obtuse margins and aba...
FIGURE 8. Anthurium solitarium. A. Habit. B. Detail of petiole. C. Obovate to elliptic leaf blade. D...
FIGURE 5. Anthurium paraguayense. A. Specimen (G. Martinelii et al. 16817 (RB!) B. Habit and detail ...
FIGURE 2. Anthurium atrovinosum. A. Habit. B. Inflorescence before anthesis. C. Berries. Anthurium b...
FIGURE 2. Anthurium sakuraguianum. a. habit; b. leaf blade; c. detail of the petiole; d. detail of t...
FIGURE 2. Anthurium knopflmacherianum. A. Adult plant in its habit; B. Adaxial view of the leaf blad...
FIGURE 1. Anthurium viridiflavum Sierra-Giraldo, Orozco-A, Edwin Trujillo & Castaño-Rubiano: A. Habi...
FIGURE 1. Anthurium huaytae. A. Plant habit, plant growing in a pot. B. Peduncle, spadix and spathe....
FIGURE 2. Anthurium tacotalpense. A. Cultivated adult plant showing upper surface, lobes and margins...
FIGURE 7. Anthurium scandens subsp. scandens. A. Habit and leaf detail. Philodendron appendiculatum....
FIGURE 1. Anthurium superimpendens. (A) Habit; (B) Internodes showing intact cataphylls; (C) Cataphy...
FIGURE 4. Philodendron appendiculatum. A. Habit. B. Leaf shape. C. Inflorescence detail. D. Berries....
FIGURE 1. Anthurium pluricarinatum. A. Habit. B. Detail of entire plant. C. Detail of the multi-ribb...
FIGURE 4. Anthurium affine. A. Habit. B. Entire plant. C. Petiole adaxially sulcate with acute margi...
FIGURE 6. Anthurium plowmanii. A. Habit B. Cataphylls in fibers fine, hairlike (arrow). C. Petiole U...
FIGURE 7. Anthurium santaritense. A. Habit. B. Petiole adaxially sulcate with obtuse margins and aba...
FIGURE 8. Anthurium solitarium. A. Habit. B. Detail of petiole. C. Obovate to elliptic leaf blade. D...
FIGURE 5. Anthurium paraguayense. A. Specimen (G. Martinelii et al. 16817 (RB!) B. Habit and detail ...
FIGURE 2. Anthurium atrovinosum. A. Habit. B. Inflorescence before anthesis. C. Berries. Anthurium b...
FIGURE 2. Anthurium sakuraguianum. a. habit; b. leaf blade; c. detail of the petiole; d. detail of t...
FIGURE 2. Anthurium knopflmacherianum. A. Adult plant in its habit; B. Adaxial view of the leaf blad...
FIGURE 1. Anthurium viridiflavum Sierra-Giraldo, Orozco-A, Edwin Trujillo & Castaño-Rubiano: A. Habi...
FIGURE 1. Anthurium huaytae. A. Plant habit, plant growing in a pot. B. Peduncle, spadix and spathe....
FIGURE 2. Anthurium tacotalpense. A. Cultivated adult plant showing upper surface, lobes and margins...
FIGURE 7. Anthurium scandens subsp. scandens. A. Habit and leaf detail. Philodendron appendiculatum....
FIGURE 1. Anthurium superimpendens. (A) Habit; (B) Internodes showing intact cataphylls; (C) Cataphy...
FIGURE 4. Philodendron appendiculatum. A. Habit. B. Leaf shape. C. Inflorescence detail. D. Berries....