Fig. 1. LC–MS base peak ion (BPI) chromatograms of 15 Alnus extracts. Gaps between chromatogram were added to visualize their difference, so y-axis values do not equal to the absolute intensities.Published as part of Kang, Kyo Bin, Woo, Sunmin, Ernst, Madeleine, van der Hooft, Justin J.J., Nothias, Louis-Félix, da Silva, Ricardo R., Dorrestein, Pieter C., Sung, Sang Hyun & Lee, Mina, 2020, Assessing specialized metabolite diversity of Alnus species by a digitized LC-MS/MS data analysis workflow, pp. 1-10 in Phytochemistry (112292) 173 on page 3, DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2020.112292,
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. and Alnus incana (L.) Moenx. grow naturally in Lithuania, and their ran...
peer reviewedPlants produce a large array of specialized metabolites to protect themselves. Among th...
Plants produce an extensive chemical diversity of metabolites, estimated to be between 100,000 and 2...
Fig. 2. The MS/MS spectral network of specialized metabolites contained in the bark, twigs, leaves, ...
Kang, Kyo Bin, Woo, Sunmin, Ernst, Madeleine, van der Hooft, Justin J.J., Nothias, Louis-Félix, da S...
Fig. 5. A boxplot showing the ion intensities of MS/MS feature 10 (gallic acid) in extracts which we...
Fig. 4. Discrimination of the analyzed Alnus extracts into chemogroups. The analyzed extracts can be...
Fig. 3. MS2LDA-driven substructural annotation of diarylheptanoids of Alnus species. Integrated with...
Alnus spp. (Betulaceae) have been used for treatments of hemorrhage, burn injuries, antipyretic feve...
Diarylheptanoids are a group of secondary metabolites widely distributed in the Betulaceae family an...
The reliability of diarylheptanoids as chemotaxonomic markers at inter- and intraspecific levels has...
Fig. 1. Positive- and negative-ion mass chromatograms and extracted wavelength chromatogram (300 ± 4...
Chemical components with anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties extracted from ...
2.1. MS/MS analysis and annotation of Alnus specialized metabolites The LC – MS / MS analysis rev...
Charles Univerzity in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Bot...
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. and Alnus incana (L.) Moenx. grow naturally in Lithuania, and their ran...
peer reviewedPlants produce a large array of specialized metabolites to protect themselves. Among th...
Plants produce an extensive chemical diversity of metabolites, estimated to be between 100,000 and 2...
Fig. 2. The MS/MS spectral network of specialized metabolites contained in the bark, twigs, leaves, ...
Kang, Kyo Bin, Woo, Sunmin, Ernst, Madeleine, van der Hooft, Justin J.J., Nothias, Louis-Félix, da S...
Fig. 5. A boxplot showing the ion intensities of MS/MS feature 10 (gallic acid) in extracts which we...
Fig. 4. Discrimination of the analyzed Alnus extracts into chemogroups. The analyzed extracts can be...
Fig. 3. MS2LDA-driven substructural annotation of diarylheptanoids of Alnus species. Integrated with...
Alnus spp. (Betulaceae) have been used for treatments of hemorrhage, burn injuries, antipyretic feve...
Diarylheptanoids are a group of secondary metabolites widely distributed in the Betulaceae family an...
The reliability of diarylheptanoids as chemotaxonomic markers at inter- and intraspecific levels has...
Fig. 1. Positive- and negative-ion mass chromatograms and extracted wavelength chromatogram (300 ± 4...
Chemical components with anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties extracted from ...
2.1. MS/MS analysis and annotation of Alnus specialized metabolites The LC – MS / MS analysis rev...
Charles Univerzity in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Bot...
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. and Alnus incana (L.) Moenx. grow naturally in Lithuania, and their ran...
peer reviewedPlants produce a large array of specialized metabolites to protect themselves. Among th...
Plants produce an extensive chemical diversity of metabolites, estimated to be between 100,000 and 2...