Plots v1.25.8 Diff since v1.25.7 Closed issues: histogram error (#4060) [BUG] plot_title with framestyle shows subplot of title (#4083) [BUG] CI broken (windows and linux) (#4091) Merged pull requests: Example for vspan and hspan (#4062) (@tpgillam) fix the wand binning (#4076) (@mkborregaard) UnicodePlots: use more extra_kwargs (#4080) (@t-bltg) Rework warn_on_unsupported (#4081) (@t-bltg) Precompilation statements for nightly (#4082) (@t-bltg) UnicodePlots: 3d support (#4089) (@t-bltg) Fix plotattributes in _add_plot_title! (#4090) (@t-bltg) Fix module eval (example 41) (#4093) (@t-bltg