2021-03-02: Version 4.0.0 was created. Due to a new interconnecter (IFA2 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFA-2) being commissioned in Q1 2021, there is an additional column with data from National Grid - this is called 'POWER_NGEM_IFA2_FLOW_MW' in the espeni dataset. In addition, National Grid has dropped the column name 'FRENCH_FLOW' that used to provide the value for the column 'POWER_NGEM_FRENCH_FLOW_MW' in previous espeni versions. However, this has been changed to 'IFA_FLOW' in National Grid's original data, which is now called 'POWER_NGEM_IFA_FLOW_MW' in the espeni dataset. Lastly, the IO14 columns have all been dropped by National Grid - and potentially unlikely to appear again in future. 2020-12-02: Version 3.0.0 was created. There...