When finding divisors of a number, various divisibility criteria are employed. Sometimes, the use of multiple criteria can hinder the process of finding the divisors of a number. In this work, I aim to present a universal algorithm for finding divisors of numbers. The algorithm is capable of identifying all divisors of a number and can be beneficial for prime factorization of numbers. In my algorithm, there is a concept called "variable-base number system.
V diplomskem delu so prikazani in dokazani osnovni kriteriji deljivosti. V tretjem poglavju je prika...
This paper describes a divisibility rule for any prime number as an engaging problem-solving activit...
We will examine variations of four famous arithmetical functions. For a given function , let ∗ deno...
When finding divisors of a number, various divisibility criteria are employed. Sometimes, the use of...
Elements of theory of divisibility are present in many various interesting mathematical tasks, espec...
In this paper using modulo n arithmetic, we give a general divisibility criterion, together with s...
This thesis is an educational text for high school students. It aims to teach them how to solve typi...
This research paper is to define new rule to find the divisibility of stream of binary on any prime ...
In this edition of ‘Adventures’ we study a curious problem concerning the divisors of a certain num...
In this edition of the problem section, all the problems are based on the fundamental concept of div...
A divisibility rule is a shorthand way of determining whether a given number is divisible by a fixed...
I n school we generally study divisibility by divisors from 2 to 12 (except 7 in some syllabi). In...
To know the basic ideas of divisibilityThis resource brings a package of activities to practice the ...
This Demonstration gives simple ways to quickly tell if an integer is divisible by the numbers 1-9Co...
This work contains an overview of the results concerning number-theoretic pro- perties of some signi...
V diplomskem delu so prikazani in dokazani osnovni kriteriji deljivosti. V tretjem poglavju je prika...
This paper describes a divisibility rule for any prime number as an engaging problem-solving activit...
We will examine variations of four famous arithmetical functions. For a given function , let ∗ deno...
When finding divisors of a number, various divisibility criteria are employed. Sometimes, the use of...
Elements of theory of divisibility are present in many various interesting mathematical tasks, espec...
In this paper using modulo n arithmetic, we give a general divisibility criterion, together with s...
This thesis is an educational text for high school students. It aims to teach them how to solve typi...
This research paper is to define new rule to find the divisibility of stream of binary on any prime ...
In this edition of ‘Adventures’ we study a curious problem concerning the divisors of a certain num...
In this edition of the problem section, all the problems are based on the fundamental concept of div...
A divisibility rule is a shorthand way of determining whether a given number is divisible by a fixed...
I n school we generally study divisibility by divisors from 2 to 12 (except 7 in some syllabi). In...
To know the basic ideas of divisibilityThis resource brings a package of activities to practice the ...
This Demonstration gives simple ways to quickly tell if an integer is divisible by the numbers 1-9Co...
This work contains an overview of the results concerning number-theoretic pro- perties of some signi...
V diplomskem delu so prikazani in dokazani osnovni kriteriji deljivosti. V tretjem poglavju je prika...
This paper describes a divisibility rule for any prime number as an engaging problem-solving activit...
We will examine variations of four famous arithmetical functions. For a given function , let ∗ deno...