This dataset contains useful vector maps to work with with Goode's Homolosine projection. The list of files included are: CounterDomain.geojson - a polygonal approximation of the Homolosine projection counter-domain. This can be used to fix vectors wrongly projected by programmes that consider the counter-domain to be infinite. It can also be used to represent the seas in global mapping. ParallelsMeridians.geojson - a set of meridians and parallels to be used in the creation of global maps. - the PROJ string defining the Homolosine projection (referenced by the GeoJSON slides) LICENCE - full text of the licence (EUPL-1.2) These datasets were generated with the open souce programme homolosine-vectors, available at: ...
<div class="abstract"><div class="abstract_item"><em>Modern techniques for the map analysis allow fo...
In this diploma work we tried to establish the most appropriate and equivalent cartographical map pr...
The Müller’s map of Bohemia is one of the most important maps of Czech history. In the last couple o...
This dataset contains useful vector maps to work with with Goode's Homolosine projection. The list o...
Produced from NaturalEarth 1:50m Admin0 - Details map sub units cultural vectordata (version 5.1.1) ...
Once the file is unzipped, launch goode.html in an internet browser window.In 1925, Professor J. P. ...
The homolosine projection, popular in atlases, was first described by Professor J.P.Goode in 1925. T...
The dataset consists of two sets of files in JSON format. Each file consists of an array of elements...
This study aims at the construction of an equal-area projection which has less degree of distortion ...
A new equivalent map projection called the parallels plane projection is proposed in this paper. The...
The Vector GIS model is based on vectors (as opposed to spaceoccupancy raster structures). Its funda...
Conic map projections are appropriate for mapping regions at medium and large scales with east-west ...
Map projections are very important in the compilation of various types of maps and spatial databases...
A dataset for the threat degree map of human expansion to biodiversity in Asia over 2000-2020 The d...
Map projections are very important in the compilation of various types of maps and spatial databases...
<div class="abstract"><div class="abstract_item"><em>Modern techniques for the map analysis allow fo...
In this diploma work we tried to establish the most appropriate and equivalent cartographical map pr...
The Müller’s map of Bohemia is one of the most important maps of Czech history. In the last couple o...
This dataset contains useful vector maps to work with with Goode's Homolosine projection. The list o...
Produced from NaturalEarth 1:50m Admin0 - Details map sub units cultural vectordata (version 5.1.1) ...
Once the file is unzipped, launch goode.html in an internet browser window.In 1925, Professor J. P. ...
The homolosine projection, popular in atlases, was first described by Professor J.P.Goode in 1925. T...
The dataset consists of two sets of files in JSON format. Each file consists of an array of elements...
This study aims at the construction of an equal-area projection which has less degree of distortion ...
A new equivalent map projection called the parallels plane projection is proposed in this paper. The...
The Vector GIS model is based on vectors (as opposed to spaceoccupancy raster structures). Its funda...
Conic map projections are appropriate for mapping regions at medium and large scales with east-west ...
Map projections are very important in the compilation of various types of maps and spatial databases...
A dataset for the threat degree map of human expansion to biodiversity in Asia over 2000-2020 The d...
Map projections are very important in the compilation of various types of maps and spatial databases...
<div class="abstract"><div class="abstract_item"><em>Modern techniques for the map analysis allow fo...
In this diploma work we tried to establish the most appropriate and equivalent cartographical map pr...
The Müller’s map of Bohemia is one of the most important maps of Czech history. In the last couple o...