SRPSKI JEZIK Obrasci za pisanje PSSOH konferencijskih radova u celini na srpskom i engleskom jeziku u Libre Ofisu. ENGLISH LANGUAGE Libre Office templates for writing full PSSOH conference papers in Serbian and English languages.This record contains templates in English and in Serbian. Ovaj repozitorijum sadrži obrasce na srpskom i engleskom jeziku
SRPSKI JEZIK Post-konferencijska PSSOH radionica na temu uređivanja Vikipedije je održana 2. novemb...
Conference paper on gender disparities in computer science for PSSOH 2018 conference organized by th...
SRPSKI JEZIK Post-konferencijska PSSOH i Descon radionica na temu pravljena Klimerka je planirano d...
SRPSKI JEZIK Obrasci za pisanje PSSOH konferencijskih radova u celini na srpskom i engleskom jeziku...
Tentative agenda for the third PSSOH conference ( in English and in Serbi...
PSSOH conference paper on open repository of psychological instruments in Serbian language
Agenda for the fifth PSSOH conference ( in English. Agenda za petu PSSOH...
PSSOH conference paper on local communities gathered around free software in Serbia.Title in English...
Agenda for the fourth PSSOH conference ( in English. Agenda za četvrtu P...
PSSOH conference paper on open educational resources at the University of Belgrade - School of Elect...
Post-konferencijska PSSOH radionica na temu otvorenih podataka za istraživače koja će se održati 2. ...
PSSOH conference paper for invited lecture on open data at CERN.Title in Serbian: "Otvoreni podaci K...
SRPSKI JEZIK Post-konferencijska PSSOH radionica na temu pravljena Klimerka je održana 31. oktobra ...
PSSOH paper on open sources and technologies for Serbian language processing. The lecture was record...
SRPSKI JEZIK Post-konferencijska PSSOH radionica na temu uređivanja Vikipedije je održana 2. novemb...
Conference paper on gender disparities in computer science for PSSOH 2018 conference organized by th...
SRPSKI JEZIK Post-konferencijska PSSOH i Descon radionica na temu pravljena Klimerka je planirano d...
SRPSKI JEZIK Obrasci za pisanje PSSOH konferencijskih radova u celini na srpskom i engleskom jeziku...
Tentative agenda for the third PSSOH conference ( in English and in Serbi...
PSSOH conference paper on open repository of psychological instruments in Serbian language
Agenda for the fifth PSSOH conference ( in English. Agenda za petu PSSOH...
PSSOH conference paper on local communities gathered around free software in Serbia.Title in English...
Agenda for the fourth PSSOH conference ( in English. Agenda za četvrtu P...
PSSOH conference paper on open educational resources at the University of Belgrade - School of Elect...
Post-konferencijska PSSOH radionica na temu otvorenih podataka za istraživače koja će se održati 2. ...
PSSOH conference paper for invited lecture on open data at CERN.Title in Serbian: "Otvoreni podaci K...
SRPSKI JEZIK Post-konferencijska PSSOH radionica na temu pravljena Klimerka je održana 31. oktobra ...
PSSOH paper on open sources and technologies for Serbian language processing. The lecture was record...
SRPSKI JEZIK Post-konferencijska PSSOH radionica na temu uređivanja Vikipedije je održana 2. novemb...
Conference paper on gender disparities in computer science for PSSOH 2018 conference organized by th...
SRPSKI JEZIK Post-konferencijska PSSOH i Descon radionica na temu pravljena Klimerka je planirano d...