ENH: Implementing RADARSAT-Constellation products (as RCM) ENH: Implementing Maxar products (such as GE01, WV02, WV03, WV04, but others should be supported too) ENH: Implementing TanDEM-X products (as TDX) ENH: Adding RH, RV, RH_DSPK and RV_DSPK SAR bands ENH: Adding the YELLOW optical band (for WorldView-2, WorldView-3 and Sentinel-3 OLCI) ENH: Adding WorldView index (without the ones using SWIR) ENH: Loading by size -> round resolution to the closest meter (or decimeter for resolution < 1.0m) ENH: Super class for VHR data FIX: Fixing reading PlanetScope archived products (error in read band) FIX: Fix band name with complex resolutions FIX: Fixing minor bug in RADARSAT-2 data when looking for product type FIX: Fixing SAR band search in BEA...