GSDM-WBT: Global station-based daily maximum wet-bulb temperature data for 1981-2020

  • Dong, Jianquan
  • Brönnimann, Stefan
  • Hu, Tao
  • Liu, Yanxu
  • Peng, Jian
Publication date
August 2022


The wet-bulb temperature integrates the temperature and humidity to comprehensively describe the thermal environment and the energy regulation of human bodies. Daily maximum wet-bulb temperature is an important indicator to be used for research on extreme humid heat. GSDM-WBT is a new dataset of global station-based daily maximum wet-bulb temperature, which was produced through calculating wet-bulb temperature, data quality control, infilling missing values and homogenisation based on the HadISD station-based observations and the NCEP-DOE reanalysis data. GSDM-WBT covers the complete daily series of 1834 stations around the world from 1981 to 2020. We provide the NetCDF files of GSDM-WBT for each station and one compressed file containing a...

Extracted data

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