FIGURE 15. A in Chaoborus flavicans Meigen (Diptera, Chaoboridae) is a complex of lake and pond dwelling species: a revision

  • Salmela, Jukka
  • Härmä, Oskari
  • Taylor, Derek J.
Publication date
February 2021


FIGURE 15. A maximum likelihood phylogram of the Chaoborus flavicans species complex based on the DNA barcoding region (COI) of mitochondrial DNA. The best fit substitution model of TVM+F+R4 was used. Support values exceeded 90 (transfer bootstrap support) except where asterisks are given. Clade sample sizes are provided. The light gray shading indicates the C. flavicans complex and the dark gray box indicates C. albipes (also a member of the C. flavicans complex). The tree was outgroup rooted using species of Monchlonyx. Triangles represent collapsed clades to save space.Published as part of Salmela, Jukka, Härmä, Oskari & Taylor, Derek J., 2021, Chaoborus flavicans Meigen (Diptera, Chaoboridae) is a complex of lake and pond dwelling speci...

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