What's Changed Typos by @PeterLombaers in https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex/pull/4 Fix 404 URL to n-gram in README.md by @dpriskorn in https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex/pull/5 Deprecate venues in favor of sources by @J535D165 in https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex/pull/8 Adds support for OpenAlex api_key request parameter by @phil-scholarcy in https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex/pull/7 Improve HTTP error handling for inconsistent OpenAlex responses by @J535D165 in https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex/pull/9 New Contributors @PeterLombaers made their first contribution in https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex/pull/4 @dpriskorn made their first contribution in https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex/pull/5 @phil-scholarcy made their first contributi...
What's Changed Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.6.4 to 1.7.1 by @dependabot in https://githu...
What's Changed Bugfixes Fix JAX Scan for output ndim > 1 by @jessegrabowski in https://github.com/...
What's Changed adapt github actions to release branches by @grzanka in https://github.com/DataMedSc...
What's Changed Replace linters by ruff by @J535D165 in https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex/pull/17 A...
What's Changed DOC: Adding DOI to the README and documentation by @greglucas in https://github.com/...
What's Changed Create .gitignore by @jan-janssen in https://github.com/pyiron/pylammpsmpi/pull/67 A...
What's Changed Add precip colorscale from blending manuscript by @RubenImhoff in https://github.com...
What's Changed fix deprecated check for empty array by @grzanka in https://github.com/DataMedSci/py...
What's Changed Fmi geotiff importer fixes by @pulkkins in https://github.com/pySTEPS/pysteps/pull/2...
What's Changed Update publish-to-test-pypi.yml by @marcusgmueller in https://github.com/marcusgmuel...
What's Changed Add dicom to sobp converter by @FardousR in https://github.com/DataMedSci/pymchelpe...
What's Changed trying to fix versioning problem by @grzanka in https://github.com/DataMedSci/pymche...
What's Changed close connection by @jan-janssen in https://github.com/pyiron/pylammpsmpi/pull/98 Bu...
What's Changed Update sources by @cthoyt in https://github.com/pyobo/pyobo/pull/147 Full Changelog...
What's Changed fix: fix typo sig->sign by @loongmxbt in https://github.com/PyPSA/PyPSA/pull/494 add...
What's Changed Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.6.4 to 1.7.1 by @dependabot in https://githu...
What's Changed Bugfixes Fix JAX Scan for output ndim > 1 by @jessegrabowski in https://github.com/...
What's Changed adapt github actions to release branches by @grzanka in https://github.com/DataMedSc...
What's Changed Replace linters by ruff by @J535D165 in https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex/pull/17 A...
What's Changed DOC: Adding DOI to the README and documentation by @greglucas in https://github.com/...
What's Changed Create .gitignore by @jan-janssen in https://github.com/pyiron/pylammpsmpi/pull/67 A...
What's Changed Add precip colorscale from blending manuscript by @RubenImhoff in https://github.com...
What's Changed fix deprecated check for empty array by @grzanka in https://github.com/DataMedSci/py...
What's Changed Fmi geotiff importer fixes by @pulkkins in https://github.com/pySTEPS/pysteps/pull/2...
What's Changed Update publish-to-test-pypi.yml by @marcusgmueller in https://github.com/marcusgmuel...
What's Changed Add dicom to sobp converter by @FardousR in https://github.com/DataMedSci/pymchelpe...
What's Changed trying to fix versioning problem by @grzanka in https://github.com/DataMedSci/pymche...
What's Changed close connection by @jan-janssen in https://github.com/pyiron/pylammpsmpi/pull/98 Bu...
What's Changed Update sources by @cthoyt in https://github.com/pyobo/pyobo/pull/147 Full Changelog...
What's Changed fix: fix typo sig->sign by @loongmxbt in https://github.com/PyPSA/PyPSA/pull/494 add...
What's Changed Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.6.4 to 1.7.1 by @dependabot in https://githu...
What's Changed Bugfixes Fix JAX Scan for output ndim > 1 by @jessegrabowski in https://github.com/...
What's Changed adapt github actions to release branches by @grzanka in https://github.com/DataMedSc...