The following is an overview of all the previous results obtained by the author. Update 10.9.21 - SUSY & Gravitons . First published in 29.3.21. The purpose is to gather all results found under one file, in a logical order. The purpose is to make it accessible for other researchers, to understand the entire ambit of the new theory and how it was developed, from March-September 2021. Synoptic in six equations. Main equation: (1) or (2.1A) in Universe Packets representation, (1.1) for the strong and (1.2) the Coupling Constants Series by the Primorial #. (2.12) for Fermions, (3.13.B) for Bosons and (1.3/1.31) for Quark Masses. An extended GR Framework, modified to include Fermions, Bosons as part of (1.2) Dark Energy, The Quark Masses Series,...