Completely sequencing genomes is expensive, and to save costs we often analyze new genomic data in the context of a reference genome. This approach distorts our image of the inferred genome, an effect which we describe as reference bias. To mitigate reference bias, I repurpose graphical models previously used in genome assembly and alignment to serve as a reference system in resequencing. To do so I formalize the concept of a variation graph to link genomes to a graphical model of their mutual alignment that is capable of representing any kind of genomic variation, both small and large. As this model combines both sequence and variation information in one structure it serves as a natural basis for resequencing. By indexing the topology, seq...
BACKGROUND: During the last decade, the analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) sequence has become a powerfu...
ColloqueNational audienceThe notion of pan-genome or genome graph, understood as the representation ...
: Sequencing technologies has provided the basis of most modern genome sequencing studies due to its...
Completely sequencing genomes is expensive, and to save costs we often analyze new genomic data in t...
In most sequencing experiments, sequencing reads are mapped to a reference genome assembly in order ...
Reference genomes guide our interpretation of DNA sequence data. However, conventional linear refere...
In current sequencing methodology, a linear genome reference is used to detectgenetic-variants based...
Low-cost whole-genome assembly has enabled the collection of haplotype-resolved pangenomes for numer...
Pangenome references address biases of reference genomes by storing a representative set of diverse ...
The human reference genome provides a framework against which the analysis and interpretation of an ...
Computational pangenomics is an emerging research field that is changing the way computer scientists...
PGGB builds pangenome variation graphs from a set of input sequences. A pangenome variation graph c...
Bacterial genetic variation originates through multiple mechanisms, including mutations during repli...
The scale of the problems which human genomics is asked to solve necessitates that the field develop...
Computational pangenomics is an emerging research field that is changing the way computer scientists...
BACKGROUND: During the last decade, the analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) sequence has become a powerfu...
ColloqueNational audienceThe notion of pan-genome or genome graph, understood as the representation ...
: Sequencing technologies has provided the basis of most modern genome sequencing studies due to its...
Completely sequencing genomes is expensive, and to save costs we often analyze new genomic data in t...
In most sequencing experiments, sequencing reads are mapped to a reference genome assembly in order ...
Reference genomes guide our interpretation of DNA sequence data. However, conventional linear refere...
In current sequencing methodology, a linear genome reference is used to detectgenetic-variants based...
Low-cost whole-genome assembly has enabled the collection of haplotype-resolved pangenomes for numer...
Pangenome references address biases of reference genomes by storing a representative set of diverse ...
The human reference genome provides a framework against which the analysis and interpretation of an ...
Computational pangenomics is an emerging research field that is changing the way computer scientists...
PGGB builds pangenome variation graphs from a set of input sequences. A pangenome variation graph c...
Bacterial genetic variation originates through multiple mechanisms, including mutations during repli...
The scale of the problems which human genomics is asked to solve necessitates that the field develop...
Computational pangenomics is an emerging research field that is changing the way computer scientists...
BACKGROUND: During the last decade, the analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) sequence has become a powerfu...
ColloqueNational audienceThe notion of pan-genome or genome graph, understood as the representation ...
: Sequencing technologies has provided the basis of most modern genome sequencing studies due to its...