v.0.4.0 assignment_ngs and assignment_mixture code cleaning to prep for CRAN and make them easier to debug
You can now opt between gsi_sim or adegenet, a R package developed by Thibaul Jombart, to conduct th...
v.0.3.3 fst_WC84: bug fix, the function was not properly configured for multi-allelic markers (e.g....
Fix Solaris compile error (as requested by BDR, #25) Correct usage for compiler vs preprocessor flag...
v.0.4.0 assignment_ngs and assignment_mixture code cleaning to prep for CRAN and make them easier t...
assigner 0.5.6 2019-05-01 included 2 simulated datasets updated documentation of assignment_ngs vig...
v.0.2.5 cleaner code for strata section bug fix restricted to assignment_ngs + assignment.analysis...
v.0.2.1 updated the function assignment_mixture with sampling.method = "ranked" and assignment.an...
To install assigner and gsi_sim: install_github("thierrygosselin/assigner") # to install library(as...
Propagation of error covariance in isoscape and rescaling models removes source of bias in posterior...
v.0.2.8 While changing some lines with tidyr::spread and tidyr::gather for data.table::dcast.data....
This version doesn't add much to the previous version, but complies with new CRAN rules and makes a ...
v.0.2.7 you need to update stackr to v.0.2.7 to appreciate this new version of assigner. updated a...
Add autofit_gaussian_2D(), compare_gaussian_fits(), and characterize_gaussian_fits() to the CRAN ver...
A comparative evaluation of annotation software for grading programming assignment
v.0.2.9 updated vignettes bug fix in fst_WC84 bug fix between assinger -> devtools -> github -> t...
You can now opt between gsi_sim or adegenet, a R package developed by Thibaul Jombart, to conduct th...
v.0.3.3 fst_WC84: bug fix, the function was not properly configured for multi-allelic markers (e.g....
Fix Solaris compile error (as requested by BDR, #25) Correct usage for compiler vs preprocessor flag...
v.0.4.0 assignment_ngs and assignment_mixture code cleaning to prep for CRAN and make them easier t...
assigner 0.5.6 2019-05-01 included 2 simulated datasets updated documentation of assignment_ngs vig...
v.0.2.5 cleaner code for strata section bug fix restricted to assignment_ngs + assignment.analysis...
v.0.2.1 updated the function assignment_mixture with sampling.method = "ranked" and assignment.an...
To install assigner and gsi_sim: install_github("thierrygosselin/assigner") # to install library(as...
Propagation of error covariance in isoscape and rescaling models removes source of bias in posterior...
v.0.2.8 While changing some lines with tidyr::spread and tidyr::gather for data.table::dcast.data....
This version doesn't add much to the previous version, but complies with new CRAN rules and makes a ...
v.0.2.7 you need to update stackr to v.0.2.7 to appreciate this new version of assigner. updated a...
Add autofit_gaussian_2D(), compare_gaussian_fits(), and characterize_gaussian_fits() to the CRAN ver...
A comparative evaluation of annotation software for grading programming assignment
v.0.2.9 updated vignettes bug fix in fst_WC84 bug fix between assinger -> devtools -> github -> t...
You can now opt between gsi_sim or adegenet, a R package developed by Thibaul Jombart, to conduct th...
v.0.3.3 fst_WC84: bug fix, the function was not properly configured for multi-allelic markers (e.g....
Fix Solaris compile error (as requested by BDR, #25) Correct usage for compiler vs preprocessor flag...